Current Events: Bullying/Cyberbullying

Real_Anti_Bully_Posterby Joshua Hendy and Vernon Simmons

Bullying is a very serious matter. it an lead to suicide, or self-abuse like cutting yourself. When you’re a victim of bullying, you shouldn’t just tell someone once, you have to reinforce it so they can do something about it because some people don’t take bullying seriously. Bullying doesn’t just happen face to face, it can happen online, too.

Many people feel that they have no purpose to live. You can’t just ignore the problem, and we can’t deny that this is happening. If someone is a bully, you should not talk to them until they stop doing it.

We took a poll on bullying and cyberbullying, and talked to people in groups about it. From this poll, we learned that people do care about bullying and it happens to a lot of people. People get bullied all the time, and sometimes even teachers participate in bullying. Sadly, bullying is very common. But the results of our poll show that people believe we can stop bullying. Start with you. If you’re being bullied, tell someone repeatedly until it stops. Don’t be friends with people who bully people. We can stop bullying if we all help.

The results of our poll can be found on another page in this journal.

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