Poke Balls

Fennekin, Chespin and Froakie are three of over 800 Pokemon By Rayjean Otero

Pokemon is a very popular game. Pokemon are creatures in this game, that roam around the world. In every game of Pokemon, you must catch a Pokemon so you can use them to battle against other players. The first Pokemon that you choose are called Starters.

Poke balls are things with which you may catch a Pokemon. First you have to weaken a Pokemon by burning, freezing, paralyzing, poisoning or putting it to sleep. Once they’re weakened, Pokemon are easier to catch. Depending on which game you’re playing, you may get your first few Poke balls free or you might have to buy them.


Poke Ball(a quite comfortable device with which to catch Pokemon) catch rate 1

*Great Ball (an upgrade of a Poke ball) catch 1.5

ultra Ball (an upgrade of a great ball) catch rate 2

Master Ball (able to catch a Pokemon without fail) catch rate 255

Heal Ball (able to heal a Pokemon once caught) catch rate 1

Dive Ball (works extremely  well on Pokemon that live under water) catch rate 3.0

Net Ball (works extremely well with Pokemon that you that are bug type or catch with a rod) catch rate 2.5 on bug type or that you catch with a rod 1 otherwise

Mew or Mewtwo--which is harder to catch?

Mew or Mewtwo–which is harder to catch?

Heavy Ball (works extremely well the heavier Pokemon) catch rate -20 through + 40

Dusk Ball (works really well with Pokemon in dark places, like at night or in caves) catch rate  2.5

Premier Ball you can get one free with every ten poke balls you get at once at the poke center) next

Level Ball (works better if you’re on a higher level than the Pokemon you are trying to catch) catch rate depends on the Pokemon 8 6 4 2 1

Timer Ball (this ball is has a greater chance of catching a Pokemon the more turns you take in battle. Although you will never usually go more than ten turns on a regular encounter, they are better used on legendary encounters Mewtwo. I actually caught a Snorlax with one!)

Fast Ball  (it is best used on a Pokemon that runs away quickly like Abra and Raikou catch rate 4 on Pokemon that run away fast 1 otherwise)

Moon Ball (best used on Pokemon that evolve with the moon stone)

Park Ball (it is only restricted to the pal park in Pokemon ) catch rate is 255

Dream Ball (it is only restricted to the dream world and the Dream Radar) catch rate 255

Lure Ball (is used for fish Pokemon and ash used to catch his Totodile) catch rate 3

Love Ball (great for catching Pokemon of the opposite genders) catch rate Park Balls (this ball is used in the bug catching contest in Heart Gold and Soul Silver. If used correctly, you can only catch Pokemon that are”Bug types”) catch rate 1.5

*Catch Rate=The rate at which you catch Pokemon in the game.

Inspirational Quote by Stefan Allen

malcolm x quote“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”-Malcolm X

This is a quote by the great leader, Malcolm X. I like this quote because people are not getting good educations, so in life they are not going to have good jobs or they might not have jobs at all. Not having an education can lead to a tough life. People that have good educations often have good jobs, they are often rich, they often have good families, and they often have good lives. Getting a good education is also important because it gives you the opportunity to do things you like, like sports or music.

This quote should inspire people to get a good education. You need a good education so you can get through life more easily.

Inspirational Quote by Christopher Canales

“I don’t care if you’re black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. Simple as that.”  ― Eminem

This quote stands out to me because it speaks the truth. To normal people, who are not haters, this is true because you just want people to be nice to you and respect you. Like the situation with Donald Sterling, where he asked his girlfriend why she was taking pictures on her instagram with black people and said it wasn’t ok to take pictures with black people. Now he’s hated by many different people, but if would have never said anything disrespectful he wouldn’t be in this position. The reason you should be nice to people is because if you don’t, they won’t trust you and they might also disrespect you because you disrespected them. It’s also important to be nice to people because this is a way to earn respect and make friends. Last but not least, it’s the right thing to do.

Inspirational Quote by Jaelin Barnes

Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama

“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend-or a meaningful day.” –Dalai Lama

This quote means that friends don’t always stay with you. I have known this feeling, because when I was in 5th grade I had a friend pass away from an asthma attack. He was in 3rd grade. I miss my friend, but I made new ones at my school and they are very nice like he was. There is always a new day to make a new friend and have a good relationship. A meaningful friend is a friend who cares about you.

This quote is also about how to have a good day. A good day means having good grades and having fun with your friends. Sometimes I have a meaningful day with my friends when I feel like we are safe whenever we are together. You should also try to have meaningful days with your family because they care about you.

Inspirational Quote by Robert Brown

“Life is like a camera…Focus  on whats important, capture the good times, develop from the negative, and if things don’t work out, take  an other shot.” –Anonymous

This quote spoke to me because it can help a lot of people. For example, people with anger management problems. When they get really mad, they can remember the good times, forget about the past and worry about the future. If you don’t learn to get over your anger, all your hatred and anger will stay in you and you will continue to be mad not at other people but at yourself. People from time to time think ‘I did this, and it can’t be undone’ but, as the quote says, take another shot. If things don’t work out, develop from the negative and try again. This quote says that you need to leave the bad in the past and try to do better in the future. Like Peter Parker when he put on his black venom suit and turned into this evil guy because Mary Jane loved Harry Osborn. He saw all the people he was hurting, and decided to take off the suit. Peter’s Life went better than he thought when he got married to Mary Jane