Inspirational Quote by Jaire Pratt

by Jaire Pratt


 “Enough. Why don’t you stop and think about other people’s feelings for a change? You’re so busy looking forward, that you never have time to look back. We’ve lost some good friends here and it’s nice to remember them once and a while.” –Matt, Digimon Adventures season 1
This quote has more substance to it than you think. Matt says it when Puppetmon splits the team up after they get lost trying to get to spiral mountain.  Ty and Matt are in one of the groups, but they’re so busy arguing that they can’t find the others or help themselves. This quote is really about an older brother who is scared for his little brother and the person he’s with is not helping at all. When Matt was saying this, he was really saying that you shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about yourself when you could be thinking about or helping other people.

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