Middle school baseball: Eagles vs. MS 219, playoffs game 2

by Eagle Academy sideline reporter Christopher Canales

The Eagle Academy middle school baseball team played its second playoff game against MS 219. The weather was perfect for the best game of the season. Giordany Mendoza was the starting pitcher for the Eagles, and he pitched pretty well. The game seemed easy starting out, but it got pretty rough. We were down two-zip, and it was getting pretty hard to hit. Charlie Zhanay hit the ball over the right fielder’s head, but he got thrown out at second. Then the Eagles made their greatest comeback of the season. Sammy Fleet hit a home run for our first run of the game, all the way across the street and across a fence on the other side of the street. In the top of the last inning, the Eagles scored two runs to take the lead and won the game! They advanced to the Bronx semifinal round.

Self-control is self-awareness

Simple steps to self-control

Simple steps to self-control

By Rayjean Otero

Self-control is the ability to control yourself and your behavior. Self-control is what you must have in order to deal with a situation that is unpleasant. Self-control is what you need when a situation angers you or the others around you. Self control can make you stay calm when you feel hyperactive or stressed out.

A situation where I could have had better self-control is when I got angry over name calling and I punched someone. A situation where I showed self-control is when I lost my watch. I reported my missing watch to the dean, and informed my parents. I could have gotten angry, but instead I controlled myself. Controlling yourself can change the outcome of what happens to you in a situation.

People have gotten killed for acting the wrong way in situations like fights, because they didn’t control themselves enough to stop the situation from happening. Self control can’t save you from every situation, but it can help you realize what you’re doing wrong and stop what you’re doing.

Game review: Minecraft

Examples of wooden tools in Minecraft.

Examples of wooden tools in Minecraft.

by Carlos Ortiz

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a game where you can be offline or online and show your creative skills. You can either be a builder, where you create different kinds of things as you desire, or a survivor, where you collect supplies during the day and fight mobs during the night.

Minecraft: How it all began

Minecraft was created by a Swedish game programmer named Marcus Notch Persson, and later published by MOJANG Studios in 2012. Sometime after Minecraft was introduced, 4J studios became involved.

The different modes of Minecraft

In creative mode, you can create theme parks, cities with giant skyscrapers, and minecraft skins to pixel characters from TV shows. In survival mode, you can use trees for material to create tools like wooden pickaxes, swords, axes, shovels, and hoes to plant seeds (see picture above).

Creative mode

In creative mode, you can start-up worlds that let you make what you want. For example, you can create pixel characters from famous shows and games like Pokemon, Mega-Man, and more. You can also create cities, towns, or small counties of your choice. If you do decide to Idle on different cities existing, or cities that people created in what some call ”style” you can also do that. When you set your settings to start the creative world, you have the choice to choose a certain texture pack, and if friends of your current friends will have a chance to join the server, or world.

Survival mode

In survival mode, you have a small amount of time to collect as many resources as you can before night strikes, otherwise you’ll be in trouble. I say this because during the night, groups of monsters (known as ‘mobs’) start to spawn from mob-spawners nearby. Like the picture of wooden tools above, you’ll need a sword to fight the mobs if you want to live. You can also go mining in caves, ravines , and mine shafts to collect resources such as iron, gold, coal, and diamonds too. You can also collect stacks of Redstone, which is a basic electric charge that you can use to power doors, pistons,and Redstone lamps too.

Title Updates and added blocks or animals

A title update is when Mojang Studios publishes new items that are usable in minecraft. And they’ll also add different animals that are from the PC edition of the game.  In the TU14, they introduced multiple blocks, animals, and items new from the PC version.These items and blocks include Redstone lamps, nether quartz, quartz blocks, ender chests, Redstone trip wire, emeralds, emerald blocks, and emerald ores. The new animals and mobs that were added to Minecraft 360 edition were ocelots, cats, zombie villagers, Iron Golems. New title updates (TU updates) coming soon have people assuming that horses are going to be included, or that wild golems are gonna be added too! I’d recommend this game to schools because of the level of creativity. Children get to show how good they can be not only in drawing, but gaming. This game should be recommended to architects to design futuristic buildings to help multi-national industries.The next title update, 16, will be including a new mob from Minecraft PC edition.

Minecraft is an intellectual game that allows to show your creativity in any way possible. This game is simple, great, and wonderful. Get the game, you won’t regret it!

Rating: 5 out of 5


Review: The Walking Dead


This is the Walking Dead cast. The Walking Dead is awesome.

The Walking Dead is a TV show and video game. The Walking Dead TV show is on the AMC channel and has four seasons. The  game  is up to its 5th season. The Walking Dead is about people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

About the show

Rick is the main character of the Walking Dead. Rick was a sheriff who was shot on duty and went into the hospital.  That is when it all started. When Rick woke up in the hospital it was empty. When he left to go outside, guess what he saw? He saw a lot of dead bodies on the floor. He didn’t know that the dead were walking. Carl Grimes is Rick’s son. Carl’s mom died giving birth to him, and it was just him and his dad left.

The zombie apocalypse in the Walking Dead starts with a disease that turns people into zombies. As more and more people turn into zombies, there is more and more destruction around the world. The survivors are confused and trying to find shelter.

Hershel is a character on the show who was a father figure to many of the survivors. Hershel got his head cut off by The Governor, who took over a town filled with survivors. After Hershel died, the survivors in his camp couldn’t believe what happened.

Why you should watch

You should watch the Walking Dead because it is interesting and there are a lot of things going on.  One time everybody was sleeping and there was a teenager who was every sick and died after he took a shower and fell. He turned into a zombie after he died, and he went into somebody’s tent and started eating them. Then the guy who he killed in the tent turned into one of the zombies and got up, and all the guts came out of his body. Rick almost got bitten, but he pushed the zombie off of him and killed it. The video game is awesome because they added new characters and more zombies and there’s lots of excitement.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars