By Triston and Torrae Swindell

The 1/4 of the disney cruises

The 1/4 of the Disney cruisesTorrae swindell


The Disney company, with all its movies, sponsors, television shows, video games, beloved theme parks around the world, and resorts in designated countries and states, is very respected. But what makes the company even more successful is their very own cruise line. Seriously, when are they ever going to run out of money? Never, I guess. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to tell you about the Disney Cruise Line. Even though I have never actually been on the cruise, I have done a fair amount of research about it, and each cruise line is not exactly the same, which is a good thing. So, without further ado, let me explain how awesome the boat is.


Okay, so the main reason of why a cruise is so much fun is all of the activities. Well you’re in luck, because the activities on the S.S. Disney has activities for boarders from the youngest child to the oldest adult. Even grandma can join the fun. There are clubs, pools, parties, and nurseries for the kiddies. For mom and dad there are adult clubs and restaurants to get a break from the kids. There are clubs for teens and pre-teens as well. They can play video games, watch television, surf the web, and listen to music. There are also pools and water slides to beat the heat. There are playgrounds and pool movie screenings too. Goofy’s Sports Deck is a great place on the cruise, where you can play mini golf, and basketball. There’s even broadway-styled plays about your favorite Disney movies with plenty of songs. There are way more activities, but I don’t want to bore you so let’s move on my friends.


Hungry for food? No problem, there are plenty of restaurants and mini-bars with grub you can sink your teeth into. The only catch is that not all restaurants are welcome to kids, which surprises me. There’s the animators studio eatery, a family club with plenty of food, also the food is nice and they serve almost everything and all the restaurants are allergy friendly. There are oodles of sweet creamy crunchy desserts like ice cream and cake, though you do have to pay for it. The restaurants also even provide edownload (1)ntertainment while you eat your succulent mouth-watering meals. The cruise provides burgers, hot dogs, pizza, potatoes,vegetables, fruits, and breakfast cuisines as well, and it’s fun for everyone!


The friendly atmosphere is guaranteed to make you feel comfortable while you stay on the Disney cruise. In each room there’s a queen-sized bed and two other beds that are inside a couch. Each room also has two bathrooms. In the main lobby there are meet and greets with your favorite characters and princesses. There are also statues of Minnie and Mickey made of metal. The cruise even has an elevator that goes up 12 decks and everywhere you go has a certain vibe or theme to it, and some paintings play Mickey Mouse cartoons when you walk by it. It’s pretty cool and innovative, if you ask me.


So, that’s my opinion about the Disney cruise line. It’s for all ages, and I’d really want to hop on board and sail away on one of those puppies. In fact, the only reason why I’m talking about it is because a few days ago I entered the Disney Channel teen beach 2 cruising away sweepstakes! If I win, I’ll get to go on one of those cruises, so I REALLY want to win. It will be the first time for me to get out of America, and I always wanted to see other parts of the world. Thanks for reading my post, you can make a comment if you like. See you real soon!

Staff spotlight: Mr. West

PW baseball card photoby Amadou Koulibaly

Today I am going to interview Mr. West, who teaches Journalism.

Mr.West, what do you enjoy doing at Eagle?

“I love teaching my students to find the inspiration to write and think. I also love coaching baseball, and helping my players find inspiration in the game.”

When you teach students, is it easy or hard?

“It can be challenging at times, but I love it.”

What do you like to do while you’re not busy at Bell?

“I like to read, cook, and spend time with my girlfriend. I also like to watch and play sports.”

What do you like about the students in bell?

“I like that all my students have different qualities.”

What was the most embarrassing moment you had?

“That’s a tough question. When I did my first YouTube interview about my book, I was so nervous that we had to retake it a bunch of times. The interviewer was my publicist’s assistant, and we all had a good laugh.”

This interview was great, because I learned more about Mr.West’s personality as a teacher and a coach. Whether it’s at school or on the field, Mr.West shows positive character. He would change you for the better in a way.

OS Review: Windows

by Jariel Perez

Windows is a very popular operating system (aka an OS). There are a variety of versions of Windows to run on your personal computer (aka PC). Microsoft Windows computers usually come with fast processor; at least a GHz or more comes with every Windows pc. I have experience with Microsoft computers, so I can I tell you whether or not they’re worth the money you’d pay. They are! When I browse the Internet on Operah (using Speed Dial) or Mozilla (using Bing), the results will show up very fast. If you are looking for a gaming pc, a Cyber power pc with a Windows OS would be very powerful. You would be playing with 60 frames per second (FPS), which is fast.

Overall, I recommend buying Microsoft PCs, not because of popularity, but because of Windows’ performance.



Journalism class is every subject, but expressing yourself through complete paragraphs. Like my Nintendo character countdown, our happiness posts, or the why Six Flags is awesome post. I don’t care what you like, just write it down and own it like you actually mean it. –Torrae Swindell

I think journalism class is an activity when you can express your feelings about what you like. You can be 100% honest. Journalism is my favorite class because because you can put your thoughts to work. –Triston Swindell


Kindness is a strength

wpid-acts-of-kindness-ripple-4-30-2015Kindness is actually strength because violence is way too easy to show. So when you’re kind to someone who is being mean to you, you are showing more strength than them. –Torrae Swindell

The way kindness is strength is that kindness can affect other people if you are kind to each other. Kindness can help you achieve your goals. If you help other people with kindness, then it will help people to be kind to each other and there will be no violence. A final way kindness is strength is that kindness will help other people in their lives. The reason I say this is because this could stop bullying and it could support people if they are sick and make them feel better. –Miguel Garduno

Kindness is powerful because it takes you places and you can be a friend magnet. Kindness is happiness. Don’t mistake me, people can take advantage of you. But kindness is one of your strongest weapons. –Triston Swindell

I believe that kindness should be a strength because you get more respect. I believe that we should be kind because you are supposed to be a good person. –Tylik McCullum



The flag of Guinea, where I was born.

The flag of Guinea, where I was born.

by Amadou Koulibaly

I was born in Conkary, the capital of Guinea, on  June 5, 2003. Guinea is a country in western Africa. When I grew to the age two my father came to America, so I lived with my mom and sister back in Guinea. It was the best time of my life, because my mom, sister and I would go to my uncle’s house every summer. I spent time with my cousins, they were a lot of fun. Every morning  we would watch cartoons like Tom & Jerry, but we would watch them in French. When the summer was over, school started. It was only four hours, but it was hard. They would give us math problems we never saw before, but at the end of the day we learned it. It was great to me, for a person to teach us all these subjects in four hours. When school finished, I came home and played with my friends. We would play my favorite sport, soccer. My friends were better than me, but I tried my best. I had a lot of fun with my sister, she mostly talked about what was going on in her school at the grade 4 she learned how to cook.

One day, my father called my mom and said that we were going to America. I was excited, and also sad because my sister couldn’t come. While we were at the airport, I said goodbye to my uncle, grandmother and the rest of my family members. In the airplane it was like paradise, you could watch TV and eat all this junk food. Back in Africa, I didn’t get to eat junk food. When we got to America, my dad picked us up and we stayed at the hotel for the night because he lived in Boston and it was a four hour drive. It was worth it, because I was watching movies which I totally didn’t understand and I was able to some food from Applebees. I had never eaten a burger before. Well, I loved Boston. I also loved their sports teams: the Boston Bruins, Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, and New England Revolution.

Boston Bruins all day!!!!

Boston Bruins all day!!!!

Two years later, my dad had better jobs in New York so my parents decided to move here. I never wanted to move, but I had to New York, the city that never sleeps. Seriously, it never sleeps! I got used to it later on. School was okay, but I hated the New York Rangers and Yankees. It’s okay that the Boston Bruins didn’t make it to the playoffs in 2015, we have six Stanley Cups and the New York Rangers only have four. New York is okay, though, I got through it.

I am Amadu Koulibaly, and this is who I am. p.s. BOSTON BRUINS ALL DAY!


Golden Doors

by Amadou Koulibaly

When immigrants come to the U.S.A, they must adapt to a culture they never experienced. Undocumented immigrants face compounds of problems. They must adapt without revealing that they haven’t come to the country legally. This means that undocumented immigrants are excluded from opportunities that help orient themselves in the United States.

Many undocumented immigrants today live in fear. There are numerous occasions were immigrants have been have been deported when they had done nothing wrong. This causes families to be broken apart. Just put yourself in their situation: you think America is a place where everyone has equal rights, so you come to this country for a better life but end up deported back to where you came from.

An amnesty could provide a way to address these problems. Some people want the government to give undocumented immigrants amnesty so that they can be legal. After all, the United States is supposed to be welcoming to any kind of people. Under the Statue of Liberty are the words “I lift my lamp beside the golden door,” meaning that America is the land of opportunity. Then why should we have to keep our doors closed to immigrants? Some people say that everyone should be given the right to achieve the American Dream. Thus by giving undocumented immigrants amnesty, we are bettering the world by giving more people better opportunities. The only ones that are truly Americans are native Americans. This is why undocumented immigrants should have amnesty, and a chance to be able to become something in America.