Kindness is a strength

wpid-acts-of-kindness-ripple-4-30-2015Kindness is actually strength because violence is way too easy to show. So when you’re kind to someone who is being mean to you, you are showing more strength than them. –Torrae Swindell

The way kindness is strength is that kindness can affect other people if you are kind to each other. Kindness can help you achieve your goals. If you help other people with kindness, then it will help people to be kind to each other and there will be no violence. A final way kindness is strength is that kindness will help other people in their lives. The reason I say this is because this could stop bullying and it could support people if they are sick and make them feel better. –Miguel Garduno

Kindness is powerful because it takes you places and you can be a friend magnet. Kindness is happiness. Don’t mistake me, people can take advantage of you. But kindness is one of your strongest weapons. –Triston Swindell

I believe that kindness should be a strength because you get more respect. I believe that we should be kind because you are supposed to be a good person. –Tylik McCullum


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