It’s great to help people

by Ryan Martinez

I take time out to help others because I don’t like when people get bullied. They should think about how they would feel if they got bullied.

One time this year at school, I had a friend who was being picked on because of his weight. I felt bad, because if someone would bully me I wouldn’t like it. Also, the person doing the bullying would get mad if someone would bully their sibling. So I went up to them and told them to stop bullying my friend. They kept on and ignored me, so I asked them how they would feel if someone were bullying their sibling. They told me to mind my business. So I go upset and told them forcefully to stop. Most people I know get bullied because I don’t hang out with a rough crowd, and people who hang with a rough crowd often bully people.

There was another time when I came after school to help one of the kids that was struggling in class. I came after school and I helped him with his work. There was once when I was on my phone, and my 7 year old cousin came over and started his homework. I decided to stop playing on my phone and help him with it, so he could understand it better.

In my spare time I like to help other people, like these people that I’ve talked about in this essay. It makes me feel good about myself to help people.

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