Narcolepsy can be deadly

by Jaden McLendon

We all know the common diseases known to man, for example diabetes, cancer, and obesity. But we aren’t talking about that right now; today we are going to investigate a disorder that can be harmful if not life threatening, and that is narcolepsy. Now, I will discuss what it is, how it works, and how it is harmful.shutterstock_152943656-618x412

I have narcolepsy. From my own personal experience, narcolepsy is a disorder that makes you constantly go to sleep. On Wikipedia, the following definition states: “narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder involving the loss of the brain’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycle normally.”

There are many ways in which narcolepsy can be harmful. For example, you can be walking down a hallway and you can still be walking but you are asleep and next thing you know you are flat on the floor like a pancake. For a second example, you can be driving a brand new car (or any kind of land vehicle) and all of a sudden your foot is still on the gas but your body is still asleep. These things can happen because the only thing asleep is your brain. Your whole entire body is still active, but in a matter of seconds it can be asleep. It can be very dangerous to drive if you have narcolepsy.

There is no cure for narcolepsy, but it is treatable. One medication I personally use is called Modafinil. For those who don’t know what it is, it’s a wakefulness-promoting agent used for treatment of disorders such as narcolepsy and others. Others medications for narcolepsy are Ritalin, Nuvigil and Antidepressant.

So if you do have narcolepsy, it will be better for you to go to a doctor than wait until something bad happens.

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Odell Beckam Jr’s fight

by Jeremy Martinez

On December 20th, 2015, the Carolina Panthers played the New York Giants. In the second half, Panthers corner back Josh Norman began to attack the Giants’ star wide receiver, Odell Beckham Jr. He attacked him numerous times, by grabbing him and pushing his face and hitting him in the head. Odell Beckham got mad and started to attack him in return, and he did it numerous times. The most frightening example of Odell’s retaliation was when he attacked Norman by targeting his head after the play was over. Odell Beckham had taken three penalties by the end of the game, and he was suspended for a game by the NFL because of his childish acts.josh-norman-odell-beckham

Beckham appealed the suspension and lost, and he missed the Giants’ next game. This game was against the Vikings, and the Giants lost that day in part because they didn’t have their best receiver. It was also an important game, because the Giants needed to win in order to make the playoffs. Since they lost, the Giants were eliminated.

At the end of the Giants-Vikings game, people started to argue about who should have gotten suspended. Some people said Norman should have gotten suspended because he started the fight, but some other people thought Odell should have gotten suspended because he targeted Norman’s head and could have paralyzed him.

I think that Odell should have gotten suspended, but also that Josh Norman should have gotten suspended. Norman was the one who started the incident that Beckham got in trouble for.  I think Beckham should have gotten one game and Norman should have gotten two. I also think that Odell should control his anger and temper, so that next time he doesn’t get suspended again.


Helping changes people

by Miguel Garduno

It’s important to give time to help someone because if you see someone struggling in your class, it shows how important you can be to another person. If you are the only one that are doing well in a class but the other kids need help, just do it, you can motivate them to do the work and feel good and it could teach them a lesson to do their work and focus more in

If you want to help a person, then it will benefit you to be a better person. Maybe you are missing your education time, but you are helping a student out and you should get rewarded because you’re doing the right thing. If you ever help another person, then they will pay you back someday when you need help. If you give respect to people, then they will respect you back. If at some point you can’t understand something, then the students that you helped before will help you because if you helped them, they will help you.

Another reason it’s good to help people is because if you always help people, then it proves that you are a good person. At Eagle, if we help our brothers to do something right, then we are representing the acronym C.L.E.A.R., which means confidence, leadership, Effort, academic excellence, and resilience. And with this at eagle, this represents who you are, and it tells how respectful you are.

Here at Eagle, there’s a house that quotes: “I’m my brother’s keeper.” The quote means that you should support your brother in a situation where he needs help for something. This applies in regular life, too. For example, if there’s a woman that needs help carrying some bags and she can’t handle all of them, then you come and help her with the bags, when she says thank you, it shows that you are a good person because the woman is appreciating you for helping her and that’s a complement. One time in my life, I stopped to help an elder get off the bus at my stop to school because she needed me to help her out. The bus driver was proud of me since I helped the elder out, and I was happy because I did the right thing. With helping people, you can feel proud of yourself.

I take time to help people because some people have no respect for other people. I just feel bad for people who have people mistreating them, and about not giving elders or disabled people respect. With people taking time out to help, I think it will help more elders and disabled people feel better.