The First Tee Golf Program, Day One

imagesBy Caleb Myke

A few weeks ago during gym, instead of playing basketball, a group of us went to a golf course and learned about golf. I had an experience playing golf from a couple of years ago; before I came to this school, in the summer of 2012, I had gone and played on the same course. The program that taught us is called The First Tee.

I signed up for The First Tee, which we will now have every Friday until the 24th of June. Two weeks ago, we had our first practice on an actual golf course and I was very happy. The golf course we went to was very big and beautiful, with two very big driving ranges and 18 beautiful holes for the players. A driving range is a long piece of land where people hit balls as far as they can.

First, we went to the golf course’s cafe and we got free meals. After eating, we went to the putting green, which is where people work their short golf shots, which are known as putts. On the putting green, we played a game of golf tic tac toe and miniature golf. After that, we went to the driving range to hit some balls. During this, my dad surprised me and showed up at the driving range. I think I got the farthest hit of all the kids in our group, because I saw my balls go very far. After the driving range, we went to look at the other parts of the course. We didn’t do a lot of stuff other than that, because we got there late. After it was over, I told my coach I was really looking forward to next week.

Inspirational Quote by Reydi Ventura

never-forget“Forget what hurts you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.”–Shannon L. Alder

This teaches me to not hold things back and that  I should not care about the past. This quote also reminds me about when we lost in the playoffs for middle school baseball. We went down with a fight, but it hurt me a lot until I saw this quote and it made me feel better than I ever had. This also taught me to never hold on to the past, and to worry about the present instead. I Think a lot of people will be inspired by this quote and will feel better. That’s why this is the best quote I’ve ever heard of.


fefc187beb76d8bdc91858c5e5cefdc2By Reydi  Ventura

Right now, the Eagle Express has a top five villains post, written by Miles Graham; but there can’t be a top 5 villains post without a top five heroes post!

5: Batman Batman is the best detective ever known. His parents died right in front of his eyes, and he wanted that to never happen to anyone again. He became Batman to save people, and swore to never kill when he fights crime. Batman’s arch enemy, the Joker, is on Miles’ page, too. Joker has taken Batman to his limit were he almost killed Joker because he brutally tortured Barbra Gordan AKA Batgirl, and made her paralyzed because he shot her in the spine. Batman has defeated the justice league several times that’s why he’s here on my list.

4:Sentry Sentry is the most powerful superhero you could ever know. He ripped Ares in two, and didn’t need any effort to do it. Sentry was once a part of the Avengers, and saved them from a man named Michael Korvac who was mind-controlled by a mysterious man. Sentry’s real name is Bob, and his arch-enemy is the Void, who tries to take control of Sentry to make him fifty times powerful than usual. He ripped Ares apart, so imagine how powerful he is!Spiderman1-1200x630-e1457634155946

3:Spider Man Spider Man is one of the first superheroes created by Stan lee. Spider Man’s real name is Peter Parker, and his parents died in a plane crash with a doctor named Curt Conners, who becomes The Lizard and tries to kill Peter many times. Peter has lived with his uncle Ben and aunt May; they took good care of him, but Ben got shot by a man named Flint Marco who later became Sandman. If you want to know more about Spider Man, read Robert Brown’s post The Lessons of the Spiderverse.

2:Arrow Arrow, aka Oliver Queen, protects Star City with Black Canary aka Laurel Lance, White Canary aka Sara Lance, and John Dingle. Olly (which is his nickname on the Arrow TV show) saves the world from numerous villains like Damien Dark who tried to kill Laurel but failed many times. Olly has also tried to defeat a villain (he’s a villain on the TV show, but in the comic he’s a villain who sometimes acts like a hero) named Death Stroke, but has failed at that, too. Oliver was once stranded on an island, an experience which taught him to become a superhero.12219416_945509568874680_542833342999970560_n-e1450740751324

1:Flash The Flash, aka Barry Allen, is a forensic scientist in Central City who was struck by dark matter in lightning form. The next day he found out he had super speed, and he went to the place that caused this: Star Labs, where there was a particle accelerator explosion. Barry fought many meta humans (humans with special powers), like Zoom and Reverse Flash, and he fights them to this day. To learn more about Flash, check out my other post, The History of the Flash, in a flash.