My trip to meet Melo

by Ryan MartinezRyan Melo trip

My experience at the movie theater to see Carmelo Anthony was fun, and one of the best days of my life. When we got there, I thought it was going to be fake, but I saw a lot of people wearing Melo jerseys so that’s how I convinced myself that it was real. I saw about a dozen big vans pull up on the street, and I kept thinking it was Carmelo Anthony but it wasn’t. It took about 20 minutes just to get into the theater, and when we got upstairs each class took a picture with Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was very fun, because after we went inside the theater I got pulled out because Carmelo’s camera crew wanted to interview me. So when I was done being interviewed, my friend told me he saw Carmelo Anthony. I ran over to see Carmelo and I got really excited, and pulled out my phone and started taking pictures. After I took pictures, then I went into the theater. The movie was pretty funny and cool. After the movie, Melo was standing in the front of the theater with his son. All the schools took pictures with him, especially me! After that, we left the theater shop and went to the pizza shop on the corner. We had pizza and then we went home.

The trip was really awesome, especially that I got to meet Carmelo Anthony and give him a high five. That was the best trip ever.


Our trip to meet Carmelo Anthony

by Alan Soriano

That's me on the left, waiting to go see Melo!

That’s me on the left, waiting to go see Melo!

When I went to see Carmelo Anthony, my mind blew. I thought that they were joking, but when Mr. West gave me my permission slip there weren’t joking! So then it was December 14, 2015, the day before the trip. I wanted to wear the best thing I could! Then it was the day of the trip.

I wanted the time to go by fast  so I could go on the trip. Then when it hit 2:40 I zipped downstairs just to go see Carmelo. So then we started heading to the station. Then we were in Times Square. We waited for about 20 minutes, and we went into the movie theater and waited then Melo came. Everyone was yelling when they saw him. The movie was called Alvin & the Chipmunks, and Carmelo introduced the movie and told us how Fox agreed to give us a preview of the movie because it hadn’t even come out yet. He told us it wasn’t about him or the movie, it was about us. After the movie finished, Carmelo came back and we took pictures with him. Then we went outside into the hallway and the staff gave us items like bookbags, pens, Uno cards and notebooks. These were all gifts from Melo. After we got our items, we went outside and got pizza. Then we got back on the train and went home.

When I arrived home, I told my family what happened and how he greeted us. That was one of the best trips I’ve gone on, and I hope we go on a trip like this again.

My experience on the Carmelo Anthony trip

by Matthew Barcus

I was interviewed by Melo's website!

I was interviewed by Melo’s website!

Yesterday, on December 15, 2015, I was one of the lucky kids that went to meet Carmelo Anthony of the New York Knicks. Before meeting Melo, we watched the new Alvin & the Chipmunks movie. At first I thought the movie would be wack, but then I started to like it. At the end I called Carmelo’s name and he looked and me, so I said “I want to play.” Then he laughed. After that, we took pictures next to Melo. But then I started to like it. At the end I called Carmelo and he looked at me so I said ” want to play you.” Then he started to laugh. After that the group I was in went up and we took pictures. But before the pictures, he said to me, ” I heard you said something to me.” When we were done with the pictures, I told him ”Come to Eagle Academy and look for Matthew Barcus, I’ll be waiting!”‘

In the end, I had a really good time.

The day we met Carmelo Anthony

by Reydi Ventura

My brother and I got interviewed on camera!

My brother and I got interviewed on camera!

One day, my brother Reyli wrote an essay, and got chosen to go meet New York Knicks basketball player Carmelo Anthony in person. My brother was nice enough to ask his teacher if I could come and meet Carmelo Anthony with his classmates. I was fortunate to be invited and have the amazing experience of meeting Carmelo Anthony. We met Carmelo on Tuesday, December 15th 2015. Before we met him, a gentleman interviewed us on camera. I was really excited. We took pictures with a guy in a chipmunk costume, and then we found out that we were watching the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. Our teacher Mr. West picked four people to get another interview with the NBA before watching the movie; those people were Derrick, Ivan, Ryan and me. The movie was really good. When the movie was over we got gift bags and took pictures with Carmelo Anthony. After watching the great movie and taking pictures with the big star Carmelo Anthony, we proceeded to eat pizza with a gift card from Bell (Building Educated Leaders for Life). It was a great experience.

I am going to meet Carmelo Anthony! Wait, what?

by Justin Mendoza

Me and my friends outside the theater.

Me with my friends Melvin and Miguel outside the theater (I’m in the middle)

Yes, it’s true: I did meet Carmelo Anthony from the New York Knicks. But to get a reward such as that, well it’s going to come from something I call effort. To meet the famous Carmelo Anthony, it had come with only one requirement: an essay, which no one wants to do. But just doing a simple essay to meet a basketball player, and not one who sits on the bench but a good one too? Well that is just shocking to myself!

Even though the essay was a pain, I managed to complete it. Mr. West (our Journalism teacher) had to check it and approve it so I could  go on the trip. After a week of worrying, finally the permission slip came in. I was invited.

Finally, there I was on 42nd street with the rest of our group. It took a lot of standing at first, and for a lazy person such as myself it was a challenge. Eventually we got into the theater, still filled with excitement. After a long process, we got to meet Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks (but I did not care, personally, about that), and then we got seated. Carmelo gave a speech and then we got to see the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie before it even came out.

When we saw Carmelo Anthony, of course we reacted–I mean, what do you expect us to do? I mean, Carmelo Anthony. After the movie and getting food about three times, we got to take group pictures with Melo. We also got some gifts.

If I had to take one thing from this, it’s that Carmelo Anthony’s son s the future of the NBA. Nah, just kidding, though he was there at the event. He’s still a little kid. Really, I learned that it is possible to accomplish a lot of things that might seem unbelievable.