My top 5 action movies!

by Reydi Venturadownload (2)

I’ve seen a lot of cool posts on the Eagle Express, but rarely any movie related post. Here’s a movie article that I hope people can enjoy and relate to. Some people might not agree with the movies I like, but these are the movies that I love. I hope whoever reads this can watch some of the movies I listed here and love them just like I did.

5: Pixels is a really cool movie that is funny and action packed. I think it’s a good movie because it teaches kids to not give up, because Adam Sandler didn’t give up in Donkey Kong. The reason I like this movie is because it shows classic games that I would love to play. I also like this movie because video games were finally brought to the big screen.

4: X-Men days of future past is one of the best movies of 2014, because it shows both the future and the past of the X-Men story. The movie also shows kids that you can change the way you are. It was also very good because we learned more about their origins. The last reason why I like this movie is because we got to see what will happen if villains like Magneto, Mystique, Quicksilver,
and many more, but Magneto turned bad again.

3: Batman vs Superman is one of the best DC Comics movies ever. The reason why it is so good is because it shows the DC heroes that were originally in the Justice League. It also shows the heroes who will have other movies by themselves, like Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Flash, and Aqua Man. The movie was mostly good because we get to see who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman, and it seems like Batman won because Doomsday killed Superman.

2: Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the is the best Star Wars movie I’ve ever seen. They added new characters, and made new story lines. They made Rey the main hero and killed off Han Solo. I think The Force Awakens has the best story line in any Star Wars movie ever. My favorite characters are Fin, Rey, Han Solo, and Kylo Ren.suicide-squad-cast

1: Suicide Squad did not come out yet, but I have some theories about it and I know it will be my favorite movie. One of my theories is based on the trailer, and is about Batman, Harley, and the Joker (played by Jared Leto). I think Harley and the Joker will drive a car away from Batman because they did something bad, then Batman will make the car land in water. The reason I will love this movie is because it will have most of my favorite villains, like Slip Shot, El Diablo, Harley, Killer Croc, and more.


fefc187beb76d8bdc91858c5e5cefdc2By Reydi  Ventura

Right now, the Eagle Express has a top five villains post, written by Miles Graham; but there can’t be a top 5 villains post without a top five heroes post!

5: Batman Batman is the best detective ever known. His parents died right in front of his eyes, and he wanted that to never happen to anyone again. He became Batman to save people, and swore to never kill when he fights crime. Batman’s arch enemy, the Joker, is on Miles’ page, too. Joker has taken Batman to his limit were he almost killed Joker because he brutally tortured Barbra Gordan AKA Batgirl, and made her paralyzed because he shot her in the spine. Batman has defeated the justice league several times that’s why he’s here on my list.

4:Sentry Sentry is the most powerful superhero you could ever know. He ripped Ares in two, and didn’t need any effort to do it. Sentry was once a part of the Avengers, and saved them from a man named Michael Korvac who was mind-controlled by a mysterious man. Sentry’s real name is Bob, and his arch-enemy is the Void, who tries to take control of Sentry to make him fifty times powerful than usual. He ripped Ares apart, so imagine how powerful he is!Spiderman1-1200x630-e1457634155946

3:Spider Man Spider Man is one of the first superheroes created by Stan lee. Spider Man’s real name is Peter Parker, and his parents died in a plane crash with a doctor named Curt Conners, who becomes The Lizard and tries to kill Peter many times. Peter has lived with his uncle Ben and aunt May; they took good care of him, but Ben got shot by a man named Flint Marco who later became Sandman. If you want to know more about Spider Man, read Robert Brown’s post The Lessons of the Spiderverse.

2:Arrow Arrow, aka Oliver Queen, protects Star City with Black Canary aka Laurel Lance, White Canary aka Sara Lance, and John Dingle. Olly (which is his nickname on the Arrow TV show) saves the world from numerous villains like Damien Dark who tried to kill Laurel but failed many times. Olly has also tried to defeat a villain (he’s a villain on the TV show, but in the comic he’s a villain who sometimes acts like a hero) named Death Stroke, but has failed at that, too. Oliver was once stranded on an island, an experience which taught him to become a superhero.12219416_945509568874680_542833342999970560_n-e1450740751324

1:Flash The Flash, aka Barry Allen, is a forensic scientist in Central City who was struck by dark matter in lightning form. The next day he found out he had super speed, and he went to the place that caused this: Star Labs, where there was a particle accelerator explosion. Barry fought many meta humans (humans with special powers), like Zoom and Reverse Flash, and he fights them to this day. To learn more about Flash, check out my other post, The History of the Flash, in a flash.

Games that involve difficult decisions

by Jahiem McCoy

There are some video games where you make decisions that involve real life situations. Some of these are really hard situations, which will be discussed in this article.IMG_20151024_032641

One example is a game called One Chance, which is about a scientist who made the world think he cured cancer but he really created a deadly gas which destroys every living cell, including plant cells. You have the decision to try to fix the problem, even though it might not work, or spend time with your family. You can only choose one option, and you can’t undo it, so deciding is hard to do.

There are also decisions in video games that aren’t really about real life, but still involve hard decisions. For example, there is a game called Splatoon. Splatoon is a game where you fight for your turf and regularly the teams are random but with a thing called Splatfest, which is something that asks you a question which gives you two options. These options determine which team you’re going to be on, and which team you’re going to be fighting. The questions update frequently, and you only get to come across them once. One time, the options were love or money, which is a hard decision in real life.

There are also other games, like Bioshock, In Bioshock, the game starts when player-character Jack is a passenger on a plane that goes down in the Atlantic Ocean. As the only survivor, Jack makes his way to a nearby lighthouse that houses a bathysphere (a chamber for deep sea observations) terminal which takes him to Rapture. Jack is contacted via radio by a character named Atlas, and is guided to safety from the Splicers and the perils of the nearby city, which is rundown and dangerous. Atlas requests Jack’s help in stopping Ryan, who he claims has trapped his family in a docked bathysphere. When Jack encounters a wandering Little Sister and its fallen Big Daddy, Atlas urges Jack to kill the Little Sister to harvest her Adam for himself which makes you confronted with a serious choice: do you want to do the right thing and be less powerful? Or do you want to be evil and have an easier time at the game?

There is another game that has many hard decisions; the game is called Telltale. In Telltale, almost every choice you make is one where there’s no ultimate right and wrong. They put a very short timer on each decision, so that you don’t have the time to look up what decision does what, making it almost impossible to cheat like most other video game decisions–thus making them have hard choices to make in that video game.

These are games that include hard decisions, and will make you think about consequences when you play them.

Skate 3, Tricklining, and Skate 4 Rumors

The cover of Skate 3 for Xbox 360.

The cover of Skate 3 for Xbox 360.

By Caleb Myke

One of my favorite video games is Skate 3. Skate 3 is a skateboarding simulator game for Xbox 360 and PS3. The Skate franchise has sold over 1.5 billion copies altogether; but of all three of its games, Skate 3 sold the most with a whopping 9.2 million (and counting) copies in the U.S. alone. Skate 3 came out on May 11, 2010, and lots of YouTubers like PewDiePie, Rise Albert, and JackSepticEye play it to this day.

The game starts off with a tutorial called In, the characters who help you are named Coach Frank and Benny Fairfax, and they basically teach you the controls. Once you finish the tutorial, you go into a Free Roam where you can do different challenges–like deathrace, where you have to race against automated players. In about 2012, Rise Albert created a game mode called tricklining, which is easy to do but hard to time so that you don’t fall.The game mode includes learning how to manual,transfer,and manual revert. You also need to learn how to do these specific tricks 360 hardflip darkcatch, kickflip darkcatch, and 360 inward heel darkcatch. One of of the upcoming trickliners are Future Revertz and Rise AyeDuceces. Black Box and EA Sports (a developer and publisher) added lots of cheat codes and glitches, like the bounce glitch and the mcfly cheat code (hoverboard).

Eventually, in April 2013, Black Box shut down, along with the skate.ea website where you can download and create your own graphics. In early 2016, an Australian entertainment website named  JB Hi Fi leaked a possible Skate 4, with a cover and a release date of August 23 2016. I think that Skate 4 might come out; EA Sports has a convention coming soon to New York, where I believe they will confirm Skate 4 and confirm a developer for the actual game. Then again, it might not come out because Black Box shut down–so if Skate 4 does come out, it’s probably going to be bad. Do you think that it will come out? Answer in the comments section below.

Lion King Review

Miles Graham

We all know the Disney movie, the Lion King. If you do, then you probably know that it is also a Broadway show. I went to see it not that long ago, and it was good.lion king logo

My favorite part of the Lion King is the costumes. In the opening, when they perform the song Circle of Life, the costumes are amazing. One particular costume that caught my eye was the cheetah. The cheetah costume was this: the hind legs of the cheetah were the actual legs of the person in the costume, and his arms had a stick attached to the front legs. So when he would put his arms up, the front legs would go up, too. The main actors (except the kids) had hat-like things on with their character’s face on it, which was cool.

My favorite characters are Zazu (the bird) and the hyenas. I liked Zazu because he has one of my favorite traits in a character: he breaks the fourth wall (which is when a fictional character says or does something in or about the real world) multiple times. I liked the hyenas, because they were just good characters and I mostly like the villain more than the hero.

Overall, The Lion King was a great movie and a great Broadway show. It is my favorite Broadway show so far, even though I haven’t seen many. The costumes were great, and it was really on point with regard to the movie.

Rating: 5/5 stars







The history of the Flash, in a flash

By: Reydi Ventura and Robert Brown

flash and zoom the ultimate battle!!!!!

Flash and Reverse Flash: the ultimate battle!!!!!

The Justice League is a team of great heroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman but the one left behind is the Flash, which is ironic because he is the fastest man alive. Barry Allen, aka the Flash, is a  superhero and a forensic scientist. When he was 11 years old, his mother died because of a yellow blur called the Reverse Flash. Barry and the Reverse Flash, aka Eobard Thwane, went back in time to kill Barry as a child. Barry stopped him by taking him away from the house, so Eobard killed Barry’s mom instead. Barry’s father went to prison for her murder, because nobody believed the Reverse Flash existed.

Barry lived with his dad’s best friend, a cop named Joe West. Barry also lived with Joe’s daughter, Iris West. Barry had a crush on Iris, but he kept it a secret. He should have told her before he was struck by dark matter in a shape of lightning, created by a particle accelerator in Central City, built by Eobard Thwane, disguised as a man named Harrison Wells whose life he had sucked away with a machine. The accelerator went off when Barry was opening the sky light, which was connected by a metal chain; since lightning is attracted to metal, the dark matter was absorbed by the lightning and it went through the chain and hit Barry. After Barry got struck by the lightning, he was in a coma for 8 months. The day he woke up, he found out that he was the fastest man alive–or was he? The Reverse Flash was way faster than Barry.


Barry tries to save Central City

As the Flash, Barry worked with people named Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon, and also Harrison Wells (who was really Eboard Thwane in disguise). They fought Meta-Humans, which were other people who had been struck by dark matter and ended up with super powers of their own. Some of them were good, such as Ronnie Raymond aka Firestorm and Oliver Queen aka Arrow. On Christmas of 2014, Barry was at home and saw the Reverse Flash staring right into his eyes. Barry ran out to a football field, where they started fighting. Barry lost the fight, but he was left with the biggest decision of his life: how has he going to get faster? Barry had the help of Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon to find different ways to increase his speed, so he could defeat the Reverse Flash and get his father out of jail. Barry had another decision: he had to decide whether to travel back in time, save his mom and lose his powers–or keep his powers and have his mom remain dead.

One day, Iris found the man she loved. His name was Eddie, but they didn’t know he was also Eobards  great-great-grandfather. Barry decided to go back in time to save his mom, and back in the past everybody who knew Barry was the Flash was there. Barry ran as fast as he could around the area where the particle accelerator was, and a time portal opened Barry ran into it. He ended up at his old childhood home. Barry ran downstairs and saw another version of himself–it was him, fighting the Reverse Flash! They were circling around his mom while they were fighting, and his future self told his past self not to interfere. So Barry went back through the portal and started fighting the Reverse Flash in the present time. Barry was losing, but then Eddie shot himself so the Reverse Flash would never be born.  But the portal was never closed, so it created a black hole. He ran into it to stop it, and so did Firestorm. When Firestorm entered the black hole, he became as hot as a supernova, which is as hot as the sun. As he did that, the Flash ran around to spread the fire around as his suit absorbed the heat. Flash fell out of the sky and ran down a building, and Firestorm absorbed the energy and died. This caused the black hole to create breaches around the world, connecting the Earths.

Top Five Comic Book Villains

by Miles Graham

Doomsday: he can kill Superman!

Doomsday: he can kill Superman!

A great hero is nothing without a great villain, I am going to list the ones I think are the five best ones in comics today. I might miss a few great ones, because this is only the top five.

5: Green Goblin

Why Green Goblin? Well, because he is a psychopath and he was responsible for the death of Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker‘s former girlfriend (also known as Spidergwen in an alternate universe). Another reason I picked Green Goblin is because he reminds me of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, which is pretty cool if you ask me.

4: Dr.Doom

Dr.Doom is easily one of the best comic book villains ever, mostly because he has so many things and powers at his disposal. He has a small country, which is awesome. He is literally attached to a suit of armor, which is a nuclear powered titanium battle suit. Although he doesn’t look like much, you don’t want to mess with Dr.Doom.

3: Galactus

the joker

Galactus is the eater of worlds, so you know just by that nickname he is powerful. Do I need to say any more? No, I don’t, but I will anyway. He is the last of his kind, and has the Power Cosmic. He is also by far one of the most powerful people in Marvel, or even in comics overall. Anyway, he is awesome.

2: The Joker

I bet you all knew The Joker would be on this list, but not at number two! The Joker is responsible for the murder of maybe thousands of people, which means he’s dangerous. Also, he is smart and crazy, and will do literally anything to make his point. That’s a deadly combination of things, and when I say he’ll do anything to make his point I mean anything. He cut off his own face, enough said.


I bet you are thinking, ‘now why Doomsday and who is Doomsday?’ He isn’t one of the really popular villains, but he is one of my personal favorites. Why? Well, its because he killed Superman…how powerful are you if you can kill Superman? He also has a very unique and interesting ability: when he gets killed, he comes back to life. Even better, when he comes back he is immune to the thing that killed him. So he is virtually unstoppable.

Minecraft Upgrades

by Aidyn Foster

Minecraft has new mods and upgrades coming up, and I think it is going to be fun to play them. One of the examples is Crazy Craft 4.0, and another one is update 2.0. If you’ve seen Crazy craft 3.o and you saw the mobs in the game, then you know that it’s crazy. In Crazy craft 4.0 they added even more powerful mobs and OP (overpowered) gear and you can play with your friends and have fun.

Four friends playing Minecraft with each other

Four friends playing Minecraft with each other

For the new update 13.5, they are going to add new mods like Bullet Craft. bullet craft adds in army weapons like guns and grenades etc. Also the Mo Creatures mod. In this mod they and fire creepers and exsplosive chickens. Also they added more blocks and weapons. Lastly, they are going to make it so that you can play multiplayer without internet only if you are in the same area as some that you’re playing with.

I am going to get these upgrades and new games because they sound like fun. Sometimes, if you have a Mojang account, you get free Vip rewards and free skins. This is especially fun when you’re with a friend, because you can give them new things and go around killing everyone as a team. I hope that I get to play with you.

Fifa 16

by Latifur Rahman

FIFA 16 is the newest installment of  the FIFA video game franchise. It has a lot of new features like no-touch dribbling, new skill moves like the Bolasie Flick, and women are now added to the game. It is the best soccer video game out, in my opinion.images

No-touch dribbling is like a feint that confuses the opponent and catches them off guard, so you can get past them. It lets you go in another direction without touching the ball (it sounds complicated, but it isn’t).

There are also new skill moves like the Bolasie Flick, based on the famous move of a soccer player named Yannick Boalsie.  The control for the Bolasie Flick on PS4 is to press the R1 and the right stick up and to the direction you are going; for XB1 it’s RB and the right stick up and to the direction you are going to.

Now in FIFA 16, female players are added so you can play as them, too. There are only 12 female national teams in the game, including the U.S.A and Germany.

There are also new celebrations in the game, like the chest thump, glamour slide, camera interactions and substitution interactions. My personal favorite is the chest

In FIFA or any EA sports game, there is a mode called Ultimate Team. In FIFA 16, there is a new mode called FUT Draft. In FUT Draft you can make the best team with any 5 random players and 5 random formations. You also have to try to get 100% chemistry among your players, especially the goalkeepers and strikers.

I hope you are inspired to play FIFA 16 now. You can get it at most stores that sell video games.