The history of the Flash, in a flash

By: Reydi Ventura and Robert Brown

flash and zoom the ultimate battle!!!!!

Flash and Reverse Flash: the ultimate battle!!!!!

The Justice League is a team of great heroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman but the one left behind is the Flash, which is ironic because he is the fastest man alive. Barry Allen, aka the Flash, is a  superhero and a forensic scientist. When he was 11 years old, his mother died because of a yellow blur called the Reverse Flash. Barry and the Reverse Flash, aka Eobard Thwane, went back in time to kill Barry as a child. Barry stopped him by taking him away from the house, so Eobard killed Barry’s mom instead. Barry’s father went to prison for her murder, because nobody believed the Reverse Flash existed.

Barry lived with his dad’s best friend, a cop named Joe West. Barry also lived with Joe’s daughter, Iris West. Barry had a crush on Iris, but he kept it a secret. He should have told her before he was struck by dark matter in a shape of lightning, created by a particle accelerator in Central City, built by Eobard Thwane, disguised as a man named Harrison Wells whose life he had sucked away with a machine. The accelerator went off when Barry was opening the sky light, which was connected by a metal chain; since lightning is attracted to metal, the dark matter was absorbed by the lightning and it went through the chain and hit Barry. After Barry got struck by the lightning, he was in a coma for 8 months. The day he woke up, he found out that he was the fastest man alive–or was he? The Reverse Flash was way faster than Barry.


Barry tries to save Central City

As the Flash, Barry worked with people named Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon, and also Harrison Wells (who was really Eboard Thwane in disguise). They fought Meta-Humans, which were other people who had been struck by dark matter and ended up with super powers of their own. Some of them were good, such as Ronnie Raymond aka Firestorm and Oliver Queen aka Arrow. On Christmas of 2014, Barry was at home and saw the Reverse Flash staring right into his eyes. Barry ran out to a football field, where they started fighting. Barry lost the fight, but he was left with the biggest decision of his life: how has he going to get faster? Barry had the help of Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon to find different ways to increase his speed, so he could defeat the Reverse Flash and get his father out of jail. Barry had another decision: he had to decide whether to travel back in time, save his mom and lose his powers–or keep his powers and have his mom remain dead.

One day, Iris found the man she loved. His name was Eddie, but they didn’t know he was also Eobards  great-great-grandfather. Barry decided to go back in time to save his mom, and back in the past everybody who knew Barry was the Flash was there. Barry ran as fast as he could around the area where the particle accelerator was, and a time portal opened Barry ran into it. He ended up at his old childhood home. Barry ran downstairs and saw another version of himself–it was him, fighting the Reverse Flash! They were circling around his mom while they were fighting, and his future self told his past self not to interfere. So Barry went back through the portal and started fighting the Reverse Flash in the present time. Barry was losing, but then Eddie shot himself so the Reverse Flash would never be born.  But the portal was never closed, so it created a black hole. He ran into it to stop it, and so did Firestorm. When Firestorm entered the black hole, he became as hot as a supernova, which is as hot as the sun. As he did that, the Flash ran around to spread the fire around as his suit absorbed the heat. Flash fell out of the sky and ran down a building, and Firestorm absorbed the energy and died. This caused the black hole to create breaches around the world, connecting the Earths.

Wicked Wicked Review

wicked poster

wicked poster

by Miles Graham

Wicked is a Broadway play based on the 1995 book Wicked: the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s about how the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch, both from the Wizard of Oz, came to be.

Wicked is really good overall, but there were some things that are scary, disturbing, and creepy. There are three things in particular that I’m talking about. The first one thing is the dragon, and I bet you’re saying ‘there’s no dragon in the Wizard of Oz!’ Well, this isn’t the Wizard of Oz, it’s what happened before Dorothy literally dropped into the land of Oz. The dragon is perched above the stage, and every time magic is performed or something really major happens, smoke comes out of its nose and it moves around like a lunatic. Another creepy thing in the play is the wizard, and I bet you’re thinking ‘what’s so scary about a wizard?’ Well, what if I told you the wizard was a giant floating head with a loud voice and multicolored light-up eyes? If you saw it, I bet you would be at least a little on edge. The last creepy thing I’m talking about is when the Wicked Witch uses magic for the first time in the play. It’s freaky–the whole stage flashes with lights, the banners on the stage turn black then white over and over and fast, and everything on stage moves around. Now I bet you’re thinking, ‘oh, I don’t want to see it now’…well you should, its great. If you can’t see the play, read the book because it’s great also. I would suggest it to almost anyone.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

by Aidan Rosado

A hint of things to come.

A hint of things to come.

If  you like games with intense strategy and endless action, then Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for 3Ds and WIIU is the game for you. The people are fake, but the fun is real. So follow me, because this just the beginning of our adventure in the world of Monster Hunter.

You start off in Moga Village, a village in the middle of the sea where everything is fine. That is, until earthquakes start to rise and threaten to make Moga Village a part of the ocean. After hearing of this, the Hunter’s Guild sends a fresh off the boat hunter–you–to investigate this ruckus. After you meet the village chief, he tells you that he thinks the main culprit is the Lagiuacrus, an aquatic serpentine creature with the ability to generate lightning out of the crystals on its back. So you will have to prepare.

There’s lots to love about Monster Hunter 3.

Weapons: In this game if you don’t have a weapon then you’re as good as dead! There are 2 weapon classes, Blademaster and Gunner. I suggest for you to just choose what ever weapon you have the most fun with .

pitiful pummel with the powerful plesioth

paced pummel with the powerful plesioth

Armor: You are able to carve monster parts once you kill it and make armor out of it. You’re probably wondering “how much armor is there?” The answer: all of it.

MONSTERS!!!: It is in the title. You can, of course, kill or capture monsters. If you kill a monster, you can carve up its carcass and take materials from it. If you capture a monster, you can’t carve it up but you get a lot of bonus rewards. In total there are 96 monsters, 75 of which are boss monsters.

So you, the hunter, now very skilled, sets out with your armor and weapons to go defeat the Lagiacrus, your greatest challenge yet (at least until you reach high rank). HAVE FUN!

Transformers: how the war began

by James Rhodes


Cybertron was once a giant machine named Primus who fought Unicron, Lord of the Undead. When he defeated Unicron by blasting him into another part of space, he was critically damaged in the fight. He used the last bit of his energy to transform himself into a planet called Cybertron. He had enough soil to make unlimited races of transformers. He used his energy to make a resource called Energon so the machines can live off it.

The Quistasons

The Quistasons were the first people to ever build the machines who now roam Cybertron. They were dictators, and forced the robots to do their bidding. Unfortunately for them, the Quistasons were unaware  that their creations would develop feelings and start fighting back. The robots grabbed their weapons, and had enough power to exile the Quistasons for the rest of Cybertronain history. These intelligent robots are known as Transformers.

Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion led the rebellion against the Quistasons. Alpha Trion is sometimes known as the father of the Cybrtronains. It took him years to fix Cybertron and give some of his natural resources to the people who desperately needed them. A couple of years after the incident, the bots thought of becoming a democracy and gave Alpha Trion the Matrix of Leadership. This made him leader of the Cybertronians.

The Autobots

The Autobots are a group that wants peace on Cybertron. They are known for how courteous they were to people, how smart they were with decisions and how loyal they were.

The Decepticons

The Decepticons are a group of conquistadors that don’t care about others’ approval and want to control everything in  the universe.

The War

Orion Pax, a librarian, saw Megatron’s evil ways of trying to convince everyone on Cybertron that they should be an autocracy and to gain control of other planets to steal their natural resources. When Zeta Prime passed away, they made Orion Pax the new leader of the Autobots. At first Orion Pax thought he wasn’t ready for the burden. First of all,  he had to learn about Cybertron’s past. Orion Pax put himself into stasis lock in order to travel through the matrix to learn about Cybertron’s  history.
The Dinobots: Grimlock, Swoop, Slug, and Snarl.

The Dinobots: Grimlock, Swoop, Slug, and Snarl.

When the Autobots found out he was in stasis lock, Bumblebee told Percepter to immediately work on Orion Pax to be fixed so he can be functional. All of a sudden, Megatron and his army of Decepticons ambushed the Autobots. When Orion Pax woke up, he tried to stop Megatron but failed. Megatron shot him before he had the chance to stop him. Megatron forced the Autobots to give him the energon. When Alpha Trion came to see what all of the commotion was about, he was surprised when the Autobots desperately needed his help. They wanted Alpha Trion to fix Orion Pax. Alpha Trion took him into his factory to fix him. When he was finished in the next two hours, Alpha Trion recreated Orion Pax and changed his name to Optimus Prime. Optimus thanked the Autobots for helping him with his pain. Then Optimus told the Autobots to make a ship called ” The Ark” so they could leave their dying planet and go to another to get raw energon. Even though they were leaving, they knew Megatron would hunt them down and try to obliterate them.