Lion King Review

Miles Graham

We all know the Disney movie, the Lion King. If you do, then you probably know that it is also a Broadway show. I went to see it not that long ago, and it was good.lion king logo

My favorite part of the Lion King is the costumes. In the opening, when they perform the song Circle of Life, the costumes are amazing. One particular costume that caught my eye was the cheetah. The cheetah costume was this: the hind legs of the cheetah were the actual legs of the person in the costume, and his arms had a stick attached to the front legs. So when he would put his arms up, the front legs would go up, too. The main actors (except the kids) had hat-like things on with their character’s face on it, which was cool.

My favorite characters are Zazu (the bird) and the hyenas. I liked Zazu because he has one of my favorite traits in a character: he breaks the fourth wall (which is when a fictional character says or does something in or about the real world) multiple times. I liked the hyenas, because they were just good characters and I mostly like the villain more than the hero.

Overall, The Lion King was a great movie and a great Broadway show. It is my favorite Broadway show so far, even though I haven’t seen many. The costumes were great, and it was really on point with regard to the movie.

Rating: 5/5 stars







Wicked Wicked Review

wicked poster

wicked poster

by Miles Graham

Wicked is a Broadway play based on the 1995 book Wicked: the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s about how the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch, both from the Wizard of Oz, came to be.

Wicked is really good overall, but there were some things that are scary, disturbing, and creepy. There are three things in particular that I’m talking about. The first one thing is the dragon, and I bet you’re saying ‘there’s no dragon in the Wizard of Oz!’ Well, this isn’t the Wizard of Oz, it’s what happened before Dorothy literally dropped into the land of Oz. The dragon is perched above the stage, and every time magic is performed or something really major happens, smoke comes out of its nose and it moves around like a lunatic. Another creepy thing in the play is the wizard, and I bet you’re thinking ‘what’s so scary about a wizard?’ Well, what if I told you the wizard was a giant floating head with a loud voice and multicolored light-up eyes? If you saw it, I bet you would be at least a little on edge. The last creepy thing I’m talking about is when the Wicked Witch uses magic for the first time in the play. It’s freaky–the whole stage flashes with lights, the banners on the stage turn black then white over and over and fast, and everything on stage moves around. Now I bet you’re thinking, ‘oh, I don’t want to see it now’…well you should, its great. If you can’t see the play, read the book because it’s great also. I would suggest it to almost anyone.