Review: Winx Club, Nick Version

Bloom in sirenix form from season 5

Bloom in sirenix form from season 5

by Triston Swindell

Hold on to your pixie dust and fairy wings, that’s right, we’re talking about Winx Club! Winx Club was once on the network 4 kids TV, and now it’s on Nickelodeon. This is going to be a long review, so woo-hoo!


Winx Club is more like realistic fiction mixed with fantasy. Please keep that in mind as I give you the story. One day a girl named bloom and her pet rabbit named Kiko (that’s a weird name for a rabbit) go to the park on the first day of summer vacation. Bloom is just sitting down eating an apple, probably not the best way to spend the first day of summer vacation, but then again this is coming from a guy who spent the first few days of summer sitting at home. Anyway, Bloom’s nutritious, golden-delicious, apple-eating snack time is disrupted when her rabbit Kiko starts making rabbit noises. It sounds like Golem from Lord of the Rings gargling his own vomit. Kiko was using body language in order to tell Bloom that something was wrong. Bloom goes to see what Kiko is talking about, and sees a teenage fairy, named Stella, fighting an Ogre, who looks like some kind of rejected Shrek. Anyway, bloom jumps into the fight and she discovers she has magical powers, and then she goes to Alfea, a college for fairies.


1. Bloom: Bloom is a sweet-hearted redhead who is the fairy of the dragon fire.  I’ve always wondered if her powers ever affected her eating habits. Does she ever eat spicy food?

2. Stella: Stella is somewhat of a nice blonde princess who has a thing for fashion. In fact, half the time that’s all she ever talks about. (But hey, I’m not a hater) She is the fairy of ”the shining sun”.

3. Flora: Flora is very nice person who loves plants and has a vast knowledge of them. She is the fairy of nature.

4. Musa: Musa is a cool girl who knows how to make some sick beats and knows how to get down. She is the fairy of music.

5. Tecna: Tecna is a magenta hair-colored girl who loves technology. It’s even in her name. Not be judge-mental or anything, but I can’t believe there’s a character who is named after something she loves. It’s like naming a guy queso because he likes to eat a lot of cheese. But like I said before I’m no hater.

The whole Winx Club in sirenix form

The whole Winx Club in sirenix form


The reason I like the Nickelodeon version of Winx club is because the characters are charming. The transformations are beautiful, especially believix, and the characters have this charm that makes you feel good. The show is sort of funny and there are villains you will love to hate.

Well, that was my review about Winx club. If you want to learn more, you can watch the show on youtube or go on a website that’s all about Winx club. See you dudes later.


Review: The Walking Dead


This is the Walking Dead cast. The Walking Dead is awesome.

The Walking Dead is a TV show and video game. The Walking Dead TV show is on the AMC channel and has four seasons. The  game  is up to its 5th season. The Walking Dead is about people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

About the show

Rick is the main character of the Walking Dead. Rick was a sheriff who was shot on duty and went into the hospital.  That is when it all started. When Rick woke up in the hospital it was empty. When he left to go outside, guess what he saw? He saw a lot of dead bodies on the floor. He didn’t know that the dead were walking. Carl Grimes is Rick’s son. Carl’s mom died giving birth to him, and it was just him and his dad left.

The zombie apocalypse in the Walking Dead starts with a disease that turns people into zombies. As more and more people turn into zombies, there is more and more destruction around the world. The survivors are confused and trying to find shelter.

Hershel is a character on the show who was a father figure to many of the survivors. Hershel got his head cut off by The Governor, who took over a town filled with survivors. After Hershel died, the survivors in his camp couldn’t believe what happened.

Why you should watch

You should watch the Walking Dead because it is interesting and there are a lot of things going on.  One time everybody was sleeping and there was a teenager who was every sick and died after he took a shower and fell. He turned into a zombie after he died, and he went into somebody’s tent and started eating them. Then the guy who he killed in the tent turned into one of the zombies and got up, and all the guts came out of his body. Rick almost got bitten, but he pushed the zombie off of him and killed it. The video game is awesome because they added new characters and more zombies and there’s lots of excitement.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Television Review: Ben Ten

Ben Ten is a young adult sci-fi show with a fantasy twist.

Ben Ten is a young adult sci-fi show with a fantasy twist.

by Robert Brown and Jaire Pratt

Ben Ten is a TV show on Cartoon Network, which is also known as Boomerang. BenTen is about a kid who found a watch that could turn him into over 10 million aliens.

What it’s about

Ben Ten is a 10-year-old child who does not have a good social life at a school. On the last day of  the school, he tries to save a nerd from the school bullies but ends up getting his underwear stuck on a tree. Right after that, his grandfather (Grandpa Max) gets him and the nerd down and they get in Grandpa Max’s R.V. (which they call the Rustbucket). When Ben gets in the Rustbucket, he asks Grandpa Max what they’re going to do during the summer. He sees his cousin Gwen, who is part alien on her grandmother’s side, and he gets mad because he did not realize she was coming with him but he gets over it. The three of them then head to a camp site that Max finds.When Ben sees a meteor while they’re camping, he runs to it. Ben sees something in the meteor and reaches for it. It turns out to be an alien watch called the Omitrix. The Omitrix lunges for Ben’s arm and combines its DNA with Ben’s. As a result, Ben is able to transform into 10 aliens: Heat blast, Wildmutt, Diamondhead, XLR8, Grey Matter, Four Arms, Stinkfly, Ripjawas, Upgrade, Ghostfreak, Cannonbolt. The Omitrix gives Ben other hidden abilities, and as Ben messes around with it, he discovers these powers. The Omitrix was made by Asmute, who is a Galvin, a small race of highly intelligent creatures with grey skin and big round eyes. The Omitrix was actually made for grandpa Max, because grandpa Max belonged to a secret association called the Plumbers who fight aliens and protect humanity. Asmute doubts that Ben can control the watch. But Ben now has to fight aliens because they are here to steal the Omitrix for all its power since The Omitrix is the most powerful thing in the universe.

Why You Should Watch

You should watch Ben Ten because he uses his powers to help others rather than himself. He may be a little reckless, but when it comes time, he will save anyone and everyone even if  its his school’s bullies. Although Ben might seem weak, he has a lot of power inside him. Ben’s schoolmates thinks he is a wimp, but they don’t know that outside of school he fights all these aliens while saving the world. Ben has matters of his own to deal with, besides the bullies in his school. Ben is in a lot of trouble, but with the Omitrix and  his family, he can get through it.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars