Things in life I appreciate

by Jace Easleyd0d94b63fadb868b4c78a7f4e38a8366

Without my parents, I’d be an 11-year-old kindergartner.  My parents taught me everything I know.  Some people don’t have parents like mine, who care about them. Everyday, I should thank my parents for how much they care, try, and work for a spoiled brat like me (that’s right, I’m a brat). People go through every day going like “I don’t care,” or “stupid mom/dad.” Those people don’t know that you owe your parents your heart and soul. They do everything for you. Now that’s something to be thankful for. Another thing I’m thankful for is my home.  Not enough people have a roof over their head, and I do. I am grateful for everything I have.

What I Am Thankful For

by Sean BaileyThanksgiving-Turkey-Clip-Art-Borders-11

I am thankful for a lot of things. I am thankful for God and my parents, because they gave us life and our parents buy us clothes and all they expect is love and good grades in school. God gave us life, and if he didn’t then I wouldn’t be writing this. I am also thankful for teachers/staff because they train us how to be a grown man and do the right thing in the real world. I always imagine what if my mom and dad never had me? I would never know anybody, and I am thankful that they even tried to have me because without them I would be nothing. I wouldn’t be in Eagle Academy, and I wouldn’t have Jordans, clothes, Nikes, and all that good stuff, and it all comes from my parents’ money. I never give my mom or my dad anything. I really feel sad about that sometimes, but I am still thankful for them!

This what i’m thankful for…

Thanksgivingby Ezekiel Pena

One thing that I’m thankful for is my mother, because she loves me and cares about me more than anyone else. Another person I am thankful for is my father, because before he left for the army when I was 4 he gave me the American flag and that was a big moment for me. The last family member that am thankful is my sister, because she is the only sister that will give me her effort and confidence and will protect me from bullies who want to beat me up.

What I’m thankful for

by Aidyn Foster

I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

I’m thankful for my family, especially my mom because without her I would not be alive. She always helps me if I need it, and she supports me in tough desicions. No matter what, we’re always together. Last Thanksgiving, we went to my uncle’s house in New Jersey and the whole house was packed with family. This Thanksgiving, we went to North Carolina and drove to Virginia to meet some family and have a big Thanksgiving dinner. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!




What I’m Thankful For

familyBy: Miles Graham

I’m thankful for my family and friends and everything I have. I’m thankful that I’m as fortunate as I am, to have a house, hardworking parents, a little brother and the life I have. I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head and clothes, and I don’t have to worry about my house or where I will sleep the next night. I hope that the people who can’t be thankful for what I have can one day have something to be thankful for. I also hope for people who are thankful to stay that way.

I Am Thankful For…

thanksgiving (1)I am Kesean Cooper and I go to Eagle Academy For Young Men in The Bronx. I play for the 7th grade basketball team. I am thankful for my Mom because she provides me with everything I need. I am also thankful for my Mom because she made me come to this school. She also teaches me how to be respectful to my elders and other people. Also that she makes shore that I do good in all my classes. I am also thankful for my teachers because they work hard in giving me an education and make shore I am successful in life, like going to collage and getting a good job and taking care of my family.


by Jaelin Barnes

I’m thankful for my mom because she made me. Also, she always takes care of me. She loves me no matter what. Even when I don’t behave, she still loves me. There was a point when I said, “I HATE MY MOM” because she got me mad. Then she said that she will not feed me until I apologized. Then I ended up saying I was sorry, then she fed me. I also love her because she bought a house, without a house I would be on the street and also I would not be in this school. I should not take advantage of her, because some people don’t have a mom–like my best friend, who doesn’t have his mom anymore.

I’m thankful for my dad, because we always go outside and play basketball. Also, he teaches me a lesson by checking on me.  Also he tells me that I should set an example to my brothers and sister, and that you should never misbehave in school. That’s why I love my dad.

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”–Denis Waitley

Thank you, parents


Hello, my name is Adrian Mendez. I am here to tell everyone to be thankful for your parents. You should be thankful for your parents because they did everything for you since you were little. When you were little, they fed you and took care of you. They bought you toys, clothes, food, and a place to live. Everyone should be thankful for their parents because they stood up for you. We kids are thankful because we have a roof over our heads and food on our plate everyday. I am happy for my parents because they protected me and did not let anything happen to me. To the kids of the world: why abuse your parents if they did everything for you and took care of you? I just want to tell everyone to be thankful for your parents and love them for ever and ever.

What I am Thankful for… by Michael Perfecto

by Michael Perfecto

I  am thankful for my family. My family are everything I need, and when I am in trouble they help me calm down. If I am going through hard times in school or in the outside world, I have my family to back me up. I am also thankful for my video games, because if it was not for them I would have never been so good at video games. I am thankful for food, a roof over my head, and water. I’m also thankful for school, because if not for school, I would not be smart as I am now.