What makes me happy? I love to travel and shoot hoops

The thing that makes me happy is playing basketball in the summer from 10:00am to 7:30pm. I say this because in the summer and spring I get to play basketball instead of playing video games all day like I do in the winter. I am also happy when I travel to different places. If I see new places, then I get to see how the world is around me. One of the cool places I have been to is New Mexico. In New Mexico, I climbed up a mountain and saw a great view.

What makes me happy

K.T.D case

K.T.D case

by Triston Swindell

What makes me happy is Winx Club, and music from video games. Winx Club puts me in a good mood with its charming characters and its most hated villains. It flushes the rage out of me. The show can be childish at times, but that’s not an excuse to not give it a whirl. Music from video games is the sugar right there. Some are very soothing, but some get you so pumped up that you forget it’s not even real. Here are some recommendations: ”Attack”, the boss battle theme from Kirby Triple Deluxe, level 2-2 from K.T.D and Hyper-Nova-All-Stars from K.T.D as well. You can find these themes on YouTube.com.


All the winx together

All the winx together

T is for Tom the turtle


The smiling Tom the turtle

by Aidan Rosado

Something that makes me happy is my African Sideneck turtle, Tom. I sometimes play with him, feed him, and I even sometimes let him wander around my room. Sometimes when I’m at school, he gets out of the tank but I leave the tank on a shelf so I leave a pillow on the bottom so he doesn’t crack his shell. One thing you should know about Tom is that he has a balanced diet of kale, turtle food, and feeder fish. One dire emergency was when we had to get Tom fish that were too big for him. A week later, there were fish remains everywhere. One other cool thing about Sideneck turtles is that they always look like they’re smiling. So that’s my story about Tom.


Orlando-Theme-Park-Family-Vacations-on-a-Budget-Jennifer-Minerby Torrae Swindell

I like going to theme parks on a sunny day. You don’t have to worry about rainstorms, and the blue sky completes the day there. While you’re having fun in the sun, riding rides and eating really good food, your daily worries will seem to vanish.If you like the same thing then you’ll see what im talking about

What makes me happy? Accomplishments

Something that makes me happy is accomplishing things I never thought I could do. It makes you happy because if you accomplish something and everyone is proud, you feel confidence and it makes you motivated to achieve more and to find success. For example, I had this idea of writing a poem and I didn’t want to because I wasn’t confident. When I did it, I felt great inside.

What makes me happy? Food!

I like food because it keeps me alive and it tastes so good. There are many reasons to love food and there are many varieties of food. You can make your own food to your liking.

Food comes from all around the world. There are many different ethnic types of food, like Chines, Mexican, and many others that make their way to America.

Food can cure lots of things, like mental or emotional pain or sadness. It can spice up relationships, too (get it? food, spice of life?).

What makes me happy? My grandma

What makes me happy in life is my grandma. She’s my most favorite thing in my life. She buys me anything I want most of the time. I love her so much. I love to visit her from time to time. Sadly I moved, so I don’t get to visit her as often as I used to. I used to live a couple of floors away. I love my grandma.

The things that make me happy

New York Rangers to the playoffs this year!

New York Rangers to the playoffs this year!

by Miguel Garduno

One thing that makes me happy is that the New York Rangers are going to the playoffs this year. It makes me happy that the Rangers won the Presidents Trophy and are the best NHL team this year. Another thing that makes me happy is that I will try to pass all the state exams and hopefully to pass to the 7th grade and meet new teachers. Another thing that makes me happy is that I feel confident that I will pass every class and I’m going to college so I could have a job as a hockey goalie.

A big thing that makes me happy is that I mostly like it when my birthday comes, because they give me presents and some people give me money because I’m a good kid and they know I could pass any state exam until college is done. I’m also happy when I get to go on journeys, like to to places far away like South America and other continents.

I like to watch Youtubers, to be successful in a game like The Escapists. It’s a hard game but Jackspecticeye completed every prison except HMP Irongate which he will start playing. A final thing that makes me happy is that in journalism, I like to make posts on the computer–like my current one about becoming a goaltender and a new post that will be coming soon: a game review about The Escapists.