Inspirational Quote by Reydi Ventura

never-forget“Forget what hurts you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.”–Shannon L. Alder

This teaches me to not hold things back and that  I should not care about the past. This quote also reminds me about when we lost in the playoffs for middle school baseball. We went down with a fight, but it hurt me a lot until I saw this quote and it made me feel better than I ever had. This also taught me to never hold on to the past, and to worry about the present instead. I Think a lot of people will be inspired by this quote and will feel better. That’s why this is the best quote I’ve ever heard of.

Inspirational quote by Jeremy Martinez

“You can’t  start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”you-cant-start-the-next-chapter-of-your-life-if-you-keep-rereading-the-last-one-author-unknown-1-638

What this quote means to me is that if you keep thinking about the bad times in your life, then rather than making a better chapter you’ll keep making bad decisions and your life will never be better. Also, if you don’t try to make your life better then it’s never going to get better, so you always have to try to improve your life. You also have to choose the right friends, because they also can affect your future. I think that your future often depends on the decisions, you make and on people that you decide to have help you during your life span.

“Be the reason someone smiles today”

“Be the reason someone smiles today”–Unknown

by Caleb Myke

This is a great quote because it means that if you help somebody in need on your own time, you have the benefit of having a new friends and maybe he will tell his friends to become your friends.

When I was in the 4th or 5th grade, there was a kid who liked to pick on kids smaller than him. One day in the winter, he and his friends were picking on random kids smaller than him and one of his friends was bullying this kid who tried to stand up to him but the bully wanted to fight. A teacher was walking towards them, so he decided not to fight now but later after school. One of his friends tried to make him stop, but he didn’t listen at all. When the fight started, the smaller kid didn’t want to fight so the bully’s friend saved the kid from getting punched. That smaller kid was actually me. This made me smile because in elementary school, I didn’t have a lot of friends.

Here’s another example of making someone smile by helping them. Some 6th graders don’t have lockers, so it will be helpful to make them your locker partner or let them use your locker for the week or the day. You can also make a person smile by sharing with them, whether it’s money or snacks that you have at home or maybe some of your lunch because some kids don’t bring money to school. Another way you can make someone smile is if they don’t have a phone is if they don’t have a phone and they go home by themselves, you can let them call home or someone they need to call before they go home. So that’s why I think that this is a great quote, and that’s why helping someone is important.











Control your emotions

“When anger rises, think of the consequences”–ConfuciusAngry

by Latifur Rahman

This quote means that when you get very angry, it can control you. When it controls you, you won’t think about the consequences. For example, when you get angry you sometimes act like the Hulk and get into fights, or even commit crimes like murder. This can get you into a lot of trouble. If you’re in school, one consequence can be detention. If you’re out of school, consequences can be jail or juvie. This quote also can help you with life problems, and remind you how to control your emotions in general. This quote should make you think about what the consequences might be when someone gets you mad.

Inspirational Quote no. 2 by Stefan Allen

“If you really believe in what you’re doing, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another.”–by Laurie Notaro210456

I think this quote means to never give up, and always have confidence. You need to keep your head up, and keep trying. If somebody brings you down, just get back up and don’t give up. It’s like basketball, if your team is down in the championship game, and your team is, show leadership, stand for resilience. If somebody is trying to keep your team down, just find another route to victory.


Inspirational Quote by Matthew Barcus

Here is a wise man.

Here is a wise man.

”Be the change you want to see in the world.”–Mahatma Ghandi

Mahatma Ghandi was a wise man who was born on october 2, 1869 and died on January 30,1948. I chose this qoute because many people in the world say there should be a change, but they want other people to make it. Instead, Ghandi made a difference himself. Mahatma Ghandi was one of the inspirations of Martin Luther King Jr., because of his belief in nonviolent resistance. Mahatma Ghandi was against discrimination or violence, because they can hurt people. The things he did changed the world.


Inspirational Quote by Carlos Ortiz

Help someone in need. It's the right thing to do.

Help someone in need. It’s the right thing to do.

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world”– Howard Zinn

This inspirational quote is very important to me because Howard Zinn is trying to explain how the smallest acts can make a big difference. When people contribute, it creates a change in how small communities, cities, and countries interact with one another to make good outcomes in moderate to bad situations. I say this because here in Eagle Academy, we had a canned food drive, and when word came out about this food drive, every one in each house–Che, Clemente, Obama, and X house–contributed to give to the less fortunate. If YOU want to make a difference, help people in need and don’t be selfish. You could be helping children you don’t even know to have a successful future.

Inspirational Quote by Jaire Pratt

by Jaire Pratt


 “Enough. Why don’t you stop and think about other people’s feelings for a change? You’re so busy looking forward, that you never have time to look back. We’ve lost some good friends here and it’s nice to remember them once and a while.” –Matt, Digimon Adventures season 1
This quote has more substance to it than you think. Matt says it when Puppetmon splits the team up after they get lost trying to get to spiral mountain.  Ty and Matt are in one of the groups, but they’re so busy arguing that they can’t find the others or help themselves. This quote is really about an older brother who is scared for his little brother and the person he’s with is not helping at all. When Matt was saying this, he was really saying that you shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about yourself when you could be thinking about or helping other people.

Inspirational Quote by Rayjean Otero

Together we can make a change in our world.

Together we can make a change in our world.

“We do have a lot in common.The same Earth, the same sky. Maybe if we start looking at what’s the same instead of what’s different, well, who knows?”

This quote goes to a whole new level. It explains that we as a human race should not look at what is different about each other, and we should stop arguing about our differences. People always are excluding people. We should understand that we have many things in common. We are humans, we all live on Earth. The last sentence explains that if we keep this in mind, no one knows what can happen. If humans learn to overlook each other’s differences, I believe that many more people will be nice and there will be less people excluding each other. Lastly, I believe that if we all try to stick together, we will succeed in making the world a better place.

Inspirational Quote by KeSean Cooper

Kareem-abdul-jabbar in his Los Angeles Lakers Uniform

Kareem-abdul-jabbar in his Los Angeles Lakers Uniform

“You can’t win unless you learn how to lose” -Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

A great NBA basketball player named Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who played on the Los Angeles Lakerssaid this. This quote is inspirational because you can’t get stressed out or take your anger out on your teammates and family just because you lost. For example, the Miami Heat won 27 games in a row in 2013. The Chicago Bulls broke their winning streak, but they didn’t stress out. A couple of weeks later, the Heat faced the Bulls again in the 2013 playoffs, and the Heat won the series. Also, let’s say you play your first game of basketball, and you lose. You can’t get mad over one game, you have many more games to play in your basketball career. You have  to keep trying so you can get better. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar can now tell this amazing quote to other young athletes that struggle with being focused on losing. Young athletes can learn from losing by learning how they lost, so they can win next time.