Inspirational Quote by Stefan Allen

malcolm x quote“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”-Malcolm X

This is a quote by the great leader, Malcolm X. I like this quote because people are not getting good educations, so in life they are not going to have good jobs or they might not have jobs at all. Not having an education can lead to a tough life. People that have good educations often have good jobs, they are often rich, they often have good families, and they often have good lives. Getting a good education is also important because it gives you the opportunity to do things you like, like sports or music.

This quote should inspire people to get a good education. You need a good education so you can get through life more easily.

Inspirational Quote by Christopher Canales

“I don’t care if you’re black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. Simple as that.”  ― Eminem

This quote stands out to me because it speaks the truth. To normal people, who are not haters, this is true because you just want people to be nice to you and respect you. Like the situation with Donald Sterling, where he asked his girlfriend why she was taking pictures on her instagram with black people and said it wasn’t ok to take pictures with black people. Now he’s hated by many different people, but if would have never said anything disrespectful he wouldn’t be in this position. The reason you should be nice to people is because if you don’t, they won’t trust you and they might also disrespect you because you disrespected them. It’s also important to be nice to people because this is a way to earn respect and make friends. Last but not least, it’s the right thing to do.

NYC Transit Madness!!!

By Carlos Ortiz


One of the MTA’s many problems is crowded trains.

Have you ever gotten on a crowded bus or train and you didn’t have any space to stand? You tried to squeeze in, but people got mad for no reason when they were in the same situation before you boarded? Some people say the MTA is progressive in creating new solutions to mass transit issues throughout the five boroughs, but in my opinion, they make current situations even worse. It doesn’t make sense to spend millions of dollars on buses and trains for them to cause problems like congestion and environmental issues.

Unfortunately, the MTA uses a certain percentage of tax payer money to continue expanding the Metro North railroad system to other surrounding states like Connecticut. When a train is at a stop for 10 minutes, it causes congestion for the trains right behind it because of small problems like signal malfunctions and track work. It doesn’t seem the MTA should expand the subway anymore, due to the state of the economy. Financially, the MTA isn’t that good with paying its workers. Have you ever wondered where the money you spend on Metrocards goes? I wonder where it goes, too.

Another thing worth thinking about is the issue of track safety for passengers. In some countries like Japan, some transit stations have glass windows and glass doors to protect passengers from being injured by approaching trains. The MTA should have this feature in all subway stations.

Lastly, the MTA should consider buses that don’t create air pollution in the city. For example, Nova is a bus company that creates solutions for transit companies throughout the country. I believe that in the year 3010, instead of trains and buses, there could be tubes that people travel in and it might only take 5 minutes or less to get from place to place.

In conclusion, I believe the MTA should improve in communications, safety, and the conditions of its buses and trains. New York City should look at other transit systems around the globe for examples of how to improve compare the MTA.