Staff spotlight: Mr. West

PW baseball card photoby Amadou Koulibaly

Today I am going to interview Mr. West, who teaches Journalism.

Mr.West, what do you enjoy doing at Eagle?

“I love teaching my students to find the inspiration to write and think. I also love coaching baseball, and helping my players find inspiration in the game.”

When you teach students, is it easy or hard?

“It can be challenging at times, but I love it.”

What do you like to do while you’re not busy at Bell?

“I like to read, cook, and spend time with my girlfriend. I also like to watch and play sports.”

What do you like about the students in bell?

“I like that all my students have different qualities.”

What was the most embarrassing moment you had?

“That’s a tough question. When I did my first YouTube interview about my book, I was so nervous that we had to retake it a bunch of times. The interviewer was my publicist’s assistant, and we all had a good laugh.”

This interview was great, because I learned more about Mr.West’s personality as a teacher and a coach. Whether it’s at school or on the field, Mr.West shows positive character. He would change you for the better in a way.

Staff Spotlight: Ms. Neli

Ms Neli

by Dyante Santos

Our next Staff Spotlight interview is with Ms. Neli, another one of the Group Leaders for the Bell Enrichment program. Enjoy!

Ms. Neli, what is more interesting about your job here at Eagle?

It’s very challenging, because it’s an all boys school. But I enjoy the challenge, and I enjoy working at Eagle.

Why did you choose to work at Eagle?

I didn’t choose to work here; I was assigned here by Bell, and I love it.

Do you think you’ll work at Eagle for a long time?

I see myself working here at Eagle for a long time. I love working here, and I would like to stay.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Paint! I love to create paintings that are unique, and to create something different.

If you could be an animal, which would would you be and why?

I would be a bird. I like to be free and adventurous and I like to travel. Birds represent that.

Thank you, Ms. Neli!


Staff spotlight: Ms. Singleton

by Rayjean Otero

I’m back! This time, not with a Pokemon game review but with a staff spotlight! This one is with Ms. Singleton, one of the Group Leaders for the Bell Enrichment Program.

Why did you choose to work at Eagle?

I wanted to make a difference in the lives of young men.

Do you work elsewhere?


Why do you work with the sixth grade in particular?

It wasn’t a choice that I made, it was where I was assigned. But I love it!

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to play the piano, sing, and read. I also like to talk or Facetime with my grandbabies.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?

I would be a butterfly, because they’re beautiful and free.

Thanks, Ms. Singleton!

Stay tuned for the next edition of our Staff Spotlight!