Camel Spiders

by Jaelin Barnes

This is a picture of a camel spider.

This is a picture of a camel spider.

Camel spiders are spiders that are pretty big. They are called camel spiders because they live in the desert. Camel spiders can be found in Iraq, in the middle east. Camel spiders are also found in Mexico, where they call them man-eaters.

Camel spiders can move up to 10 miles per hour. Camel spiders are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. Their bite is painful, but not as painful as a scorpion’s sting. Camel spiders are not venomous. Camel spiders can jump as high as three feet–that is pretty high!

Camel spiders don’t have sweat glands. The camel spider is also known as the wind scorpion, the sun spider, and the wind spider.  There are 900 species of camel spiders. Camel spiders are always brown. The males are always smaller than the females, with longer legs.

This is proof that camel spiders are carnivores--here is a camel spider eating a frog.

This is proof that camel spiders are carnivores–here is a camel spider eating a frog.

Camel spider stories began to spread during the 1990-91 Gulf War war in Iraq. People say they are large like a frisbee, but they’re wrong; they are about the size of a cigarette pack. People say camel spiders can eat cats and dogs. People also say you should feed scorpion to camel spiders.

I think camel spiders are creepy. My teacher Mr.West hates spiders. You should try not to mess with a camel spider, because they would bite you.