Police brutality


by Kesean Cooper

Police brutality is bad because people are dying for no reason, for example Mike Brown died for no reason and he was unarmed. Also that police brutality has been starting riots in Baltimore because somebody got killed in police custody and the police wont tell how. Also that police brutality causes people to fight. It is also bad because people are killing cops that didn’t have anything to do with the young black men killings, for example some guy left baltimore and murdered two NYPD officers. This issue could effect our community because if police kill young black men then people will react out of frustration and that will cause chaos around us.

Police non-protection

The police are making brutality legal for themselves.

The police are making brutality legal for themselves.

by Tylik McCullum

I believe that police brutality matters because people, mostly black and Latino, are losing their lives in situations that can be simply avoided. Police should protect not neglect us. Last time I thought, I thought they were here to protect and serve. This gets in the way of addressing many of the world’s other problems.

Furthermore, I would say that when someone dies other people are affected, such as families. If my relative was in one of those incidents, I would be heartbroken. Also our society is affected, for example what’s happening in Baltimore. People are looting and abusing cops, and all cops will be affected and criticized for other cops’ actions. For example, two cops were killed in New York because of the actions of other cops.

One time, someone found a gun clip in the gym where I play basketball. The police found it and started to arrest everyone in and around the gym. I felt very startled, and realized the police physically arrest people when they get the chance before doing actual police work. No child or young man or woman should experience that.

People should not make assumptions about each other and cops should not make assumptions about people.

That is the reason why I care, and why you should care.