Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

This is the cover of Call of Duty Black Ops 3.

This is the cover of Call of Duty Black Ops 3.

by Caleb Myke

I have recently pre-ordered and watched the trailer for Call Of Duty: Black Ops III and I think it is going to be one of the top rated games of late 2015-2016.


In The COD: Black Ops series there a Downloadable Content (DLC) map named Nuketown, which is one of the best DLC maps in the Call Of Duty: Black Ops series. So now there are Nuketown, Nuketown 2025, Nuketown 2065.


In Call of Duty there are elite guns that you can customize to make them cooler and they brought back famous scopes like Target Finder, ACOG, EDTech 2.0, and Reflex


In Call Of Duty: Black Ops III you have the ability to run on walls, swim and teleport while shooting people.


In Black Ops III they brought back some of the modes in Black Ops and Black Ops II like gun game, sharpshooter, capture the flag, etc.


The game comes out on Friday November 6. if you pre-order now, you will get elite guns with cool customizations plus beta access.

The Festivities of Parkour


by Mitchell Barcus

Have you ever heard of parkour? Parkour is a training discipline using movement that developed from military training. Parkour can also be called free running or street running. Parkour can be dangerous but fun. I will tell you about who created parkour, why parkour is dangerous, why it is fun and about some of the people who do it.


Parkour was developed in France, and it was originally created by David Belle.  David Belle was in the movie Brick Mansions. Parkour became famous in the late 1980s and 2000s through films, documentaries, and advertisements. David Belle was born and raised in Fe”camp France. In 1984, at age 11, Belle moved to Lisses, France.


Parkour can be fun because you’re learning how to do something extraordinary.




Park is a dangerous sport. One time, I tried to jump down a flight of stairs and I messed up my leg. Another time, I did a front-flip off of a dresser and hit my head on the floor. Parkour is used for bad things like robbing banks or hurting people. If you don’t have the proper training, you might kill yourself. For example, in a parking lot that is elevated, if you jump off the highest part you might be able to land on a different floor of the parking but you also might (splat!) die. Parkour can also be called free running, as I said in my intro.


If you think parkour is dangerous but fun, don’t try it outside but try it first at home. Do it on a couch at first, so you don’t get hurt. You will get better and better. Then when you try it in other places, you will be safer.




Me, flippin' out for the Mets!

Me, flippin’ out for the Mets!


Man, where do I even begin? I guess should start from the beginning. The outside of the stadium was built up pretty well and huge for a stadium. The inside was really fancy. In fact, it looked more like a museum than a stadium. There was a giant 42 statue and there was a mini baseball Hall of Fame and a gift shop. Plus we got free beach towels. The field was larger than I anticipated. In the field, both teams were practicing for the game. I was really impressed. These players were pros, they were catching baseballs from 10ft like it was nothing. They were throwing baseballs up in the stands and spectators caught them.

After batting practice, we went to go get some food. I wasn’t that hungry, so I only ate a slice of pizza. My brother and I talked for little bit and then it was time for the game. Everyone in the stadium was going wild. They had t-shirt cannons and the crowd was chanting “Let’s Go Mets!”, it felt like a party. Our seats were on the top, and I could see everything from up there. I was pumped up and ready to see the Mets embarrass the Marlins in front of every body. In the 1st inning, the Mets earned a run. During the second inning the Marlins scored 2 runs. The Marlins scored another run in the 3rd inning and in the 4th inning they scored 2 more points. The Mets scored 4 runs in the same inning. However, neither team scored any runs in the next 2 innings. In the 7th inning the Marlins earned 2 runs. In the 8th inning no one earned a run. In the 9th inning the Marlins scored 2 more runs which sealed the deal, Marlins beat the Mets.

Despite the unfortunate loss, I still had a great time. The game wasn’t even the main reason why I had a good time! The energy, excitement, and high spirit of the crowd really took it home for me. This is an experience I will not forget. If I get another chance to go to a ball game, I think it’s safe to say that I will not be saying no.


By Triston and Torrae Swindell

The 1/4 of the disney cruises

The 1/4 of the Disney cruisesTorrae swindell


The Disney company, with all its movies, sponsors, television shows, video games, beloved theme parks around the world, and resorts in designated countries and states, is very respected. But what makes the company even more successful is their very own cruise line. Seriously, when are they ever going to run out of money? Never, I guess. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to tell you about the Disney Cruise Line. Even though I have never actually been on the cruise, I have done a fair amount of research about it, and each cruise line is not exactly the same, which is a good thing. So, without further ado, let me explain how awesome the boat is.


Okay, so the main reason of why a cruise is so much fun is all of the activities. Well you’re in luck, because the activities on the S.S. Disney has activities for boarders from the youngest child to the oldest adult. Even grandma can join the fun. There are clubs, pools, parties, and nurseries for the kiddies. For mom and dad there are adult clubs and restaurants to get a break from the kids. There are clubs for teens and pre-teens as well. They can play video games, watch television, surf the web, and listen to music. There are also pools and water slides to beat the heat. There are playgrounds and pool movie screenings too. Goofy’s Sports Deck is a great place on the cruise, where you can play mini golf, and basketball. There’s even broadway-styled plays about your favorite Disney movies with plenty of songs. There are way more activities, but I don’t want to bore you so let’s move on my friends.


Hungry for food? No problem, there are plenty of restaurants and mini-bars with grub you can sink your teeth into. The only catch is that not all restaurants are welcome to kids, which surprises me. There’s the animators studio eatery, a family club with plenty of food, also the food is nice and they serve almost everything and all the restaurants are allergy friendly. There are oodles of sweet creamy crunchy desserts like ice cream and cake, though you do have to pay for it. The restaurants also even provide edownload (1)ntertainment while you eat your succulent mouth-watering meals. The cruise provides burgers, hot dogs, pizza, potatoes,vegetables, fruits, and breakfast cuisines as well, and it’s fun for everyone!


The friendly atmosphere is guaranteed to make you feel comfortable while you stay on the Disney cruise. In each room there’s a queen-sized bed and two other beds that are inside a couch. Each room also has two bathrooms. In the main lobby there are meet and greets with your favorite characters and princesses. There are also statues of Minnie and Mickey made of metal. The cruise even has an elevator that goes up 12 decks and everywhere you go has a certain vibe or theme to it, and some paintings play Mickey Mouse cartoons when you walk by it. It’s pretty cool and innovative, if you ask me.


So, that’s my opinion about the Disney cruise line. It’s for all ages, and I’d really want to hop on board and sail away on one of those puppies. In fact, the only reason why I’m talking about it is because a few days ago I entered the Disney Channel teen beach 2 cruising away sweepstakes! If I win, I’ll get to go on one of those cruises, so I REALLY want to win. It will be the first time for me to get out of America, and I always wanted to see other parts of the world. Thanks for reading my post, you can make a comment if you like. See you real soon!

What makes me happy

K.T.D case

K.T.D case

by Triston Swindell

What makes me happy is Winx Club, and music from video games. Winx Club puts me in a good mood with its charming characters and its most hated villains. It flushes the rage out of me. The show can be childish at times, but that’s not an excuse to not give it a whirl. Music from video games is the sugar right there. Some are very soothing, but some get you so pumped up that you forget it’s not even real. Here are some recommendations: ”Attack”, the boss battle theme from Kirby Triple Deluxe, level 2-2 from K.T.D and Hyper-Nova-All-Stars from K.T.D as well. You can find these themes on


All the winx together

All the winx together


Six Flags logo

Six Flags logo

By:  Triston and  Torrae Swindell


For the most part, everyone has been to Six Flags, but that doesn’t mean that everyone loves it. Today, we’re here to explain why Six Flags has a spot on our list of awesome places. Throughout this post, we’ll not only give you reasons as to why this place is extremely fun, but we’ll even show you the rides, shows, and last but not least, the food. Who doesn’t love food right? So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

The Rides 

Okay, the number one reason why most people even go to Six Flags is for the rides and roller coasters. I mean, who doesn’t, right? Anyway, the rides are awesome, plain and simple. As a matter of a fact, go to the dictionary and search for the word awesome, you’ll see six flags in the definition. Some of the best rides featured are The Batman Coaster, El Toro, and Nitro. Those are pretty fun rides, but if you want to reach a new level of excitement and terror, there’s nothing to worry about. Six Flags is home to the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the United States of America, The King Da Ka. Its top speed is 128 MPH at an outstanding 456 feet tall. There’s also a pirate ship ride, a swing ride, and other classic amusement park rides.


If intense excitement and extreme heights isn’t your type of thing, Six Flags can still easily accommodate your needs. Six Flags is not just a thrill ride theme park. It has other things to do like watching good old rock bands and animals preforming tricks. There’s a dolphin show, and a couple of rock bands here and then. It really slows down the excitement from all those rides plus the shows are free of charge. There are Looney Toons character meet and greets, and Becky G and Fifth Harmony perform there as well.


What makes a theme park a theme park? Games of course. It’s a perfect way to take a ”fun break” from all those roller coasters , and its definitely not like those rigged carnival games you see on television. There’s good old whack-a-mole, test your strength, and the water target game. There are plenty of other games too like Lazer dodging and the Crane game. Plus there’s a reward for your victory of winning a frustrating game, a nice big teddy bear you could never win for your girlfriend that night when the state fair was in town.

The Bizzaro roller coaster

The Bizzaro roller coaster


You hear that? That’s your stomach grumbling and howling for some good old classic Six Flags cuisine. So many options to choose from like burgers, hot dogs, pizza, and nachos, but that’s the old boring dog food that you always find in regular amusement parks. Besides that, Six Flags has Mexican and Chinese food. So many things you can sink your teeth in. Also for all you rowdy adults out there Six Flags serves Bud Lite beer–but please don’t get drunk, no one wants to have thrown up beer on their shirt on a roller coaster! And don’t you get bored, there are plenty of fattening and teeth decaying treats to scarf down on like good old funnel cake and hot fudge sundaes topped off with whipped cream and a cherry on top.


Well, that’s our thoughts on Six Flags. If you still don’t like it, chances are you had no childhood. We gave all our reasons, but thank you for reading our post anyway, it means a lot to us. Well, peace out ya’ll!







Book Review : Kingdom of Hearts 1 & 2

A good book to get you started to love reading.

A good book to get you started to love reading.

By Justin Ulloa

Kingdom of Hearts is about Sora, a futuristic boy that finds a key that compares life and death. The  key also come along with two friends that are from Disney. The two friends are Donald and Goofy who in this book are a wizard and knight.

In this book Sora must find his true destiny through a high seeking  adventure. Donald is the wizard that even though his a coward . Goofy is a knight that is not afraid to take a risk to protect his friends. Sora is a boy that knows he will face many challenges but he has the option of saving his friends even though it means he  might lose his life. Donald is a duck that can make a lot of things happen but when it comes to fighting he is a wimp.  Now, that is just the beginning of this amazing book.

Why you should read it

You should read this book because it is a great start to loving books. This book is the reason that I started to love reading. Reading is one of the best things I ever learned to do.This book is amazing.

Nintendo theme park

by Triston and Torrae Swindell

Nintendo is one of the most successful gaming companies in the video game industry today. Question: What can make Nintendo even more successful? New games, new characters, new villains? No, my friends, how about a Nintendo Theme Park! For those of you who have played a Nintendo game, which every one has, you might be thinking what I’m thinking…the opportunities are endless! I mean, the Mario Franchise alone can be a theme park by itself, but now imagine all the other Nintendo characters together in one big, magical, and epic place. Let me break it down:

Mushroom Kingdom:

Welcome to the magical and mushroomy land of Mario. The entrance starts off at Peaches Castle and you go through it to enter (sort of like Disney World). Here are some of the rides. First off, there’s Mario Kart. This ride will be based on Mario Kart 8. There will be an illusion where you’re driving upside-down (much like the game), the experience will be unforgettable. It will actually feel like you’re driving in a hardcore racer. If that’s not your sort of thing, then head on down to Luigi’s Mansion. Professor E. Gadd will tell you how to use the poltergeist. The walls you walk through are screens, and ghosts will appear on the screens and you have to catch them. You  can also collect money and the objects are interactive. For example, if you use the poltergeist on a vase, the vase will move as if it were there.

Water Temple:

If the weather is getting the best of you and you need to cool off from all the excitement, make your way down to the Water Temple, a water park based on the Legend of Zelda Ocorina Of Time. It will be an indoor water park that will have a lot of unique slides. I’m not going to say anything else, because I want to keep it suspenseful, but lets just say they don’t call it the Water Temple for nothing.

Throw Back Arcade:

Welcome back to your childhood! When you set foot into the Throw Back Arcade, you’re back to playing with power! For the adults who have a hidden inner child, and want to re-live their memories of the first Nintendo gaming consoles, head on down to the Throw Back Arcade. Featuring every single Nintendo gaming console, from the Game And Watch System to the Nintendo Game Cube, along with all the the top hits, this arcade is the only one of its kind. You’re welcome.


That’s all for today guys, however that was just a sneak peek. If you thought those ideas were good, you are not prepared for the amazing assets of this theme park. One more thing: there is going to be trivia contests about Nintendo, in which you’ll be able to win awesome prizes. There is not a doubt in my mind that you will be planning your second visit before you leave. With that being said, I’ll see you there. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to call Kirby so he can pick me up on his warp star and take me home.




Review: Winx Club, Nick Version

Bloom in sirenix form from season 5

Bloom in sirenix form from season 5

by Triston Swindell

Hold on to your pixie dust and fairy wings, that’s right, we’re talking about Winx Club! Winx Club was once on the network 4 kids TV, and now it’s on Nickelodeon. This is going to be a long review, so woo-hoo!


Winx Club is more like realistic fiction mixed with fantasy. Please keep that in mind as I give you the story. One day a girl named bloom and her pet rabbit named Kiko (that’s a weird name for a rabbit) go to the park on the first day of summer vacation. Bloom is just sitting down eating an apple, probably not the best way to spend the first day of summer vacation, but then again this is coming from a guy who spent the first few days of summer sitting at home. Anyway, Bloom’s nutritious, golden-delicious, apple-eating snack time is disrupted when her rabbit Kiko starts making rabbit noises. It sounds like Golem from Lord of the Rings gargling his own vomit. Kiko was using body language in order to tell Bloom that something was wrong. Bloom goes to see what Kiko is talking about, and sees a teenage fairy, named Stella, fighting an Ogre, who looks like some kind of rejected Shrek. Anyway, bloom jumps into the fight and she discovers she has magical powers, and then she goes to Alfea, a college for fairies.


1. Bloom: Bloom is a sweet-hearted redhead who is the fairy of the dragon fire.  I’ve always wondered if her powers ever affected her eating habits. Does she ever eat spicy food?

2. Stella: Stella is somewhat of a nice blonde princess who has a thing for fashion. In fact, half the time that’s all she ever talks about. (But hey, I’m not a hater) She is the fairy of ”the shining sun”.

3. Flora: Flora is very nice person who loves plants and has a vast knowledge of them. She is the fairy of nature.

4. Musa: Musa is a cool girl who knows how to make some sick beats and knows how to get down. She is the fairy of music.

5. Tecna: Tecna is a magenta hair-colored girl who loves technology. It’s even in her name. Not be judge-mental or anything, but I can’t believe there’s a character who is named after something she loves. It’s like naming a guy queso because he likes to eat a lot of cheese. But like I said before I’m no hater.

The whole Winx Club in sirenix form

The whole Winx Club in sirenix form


The reason I like the Nickelodeon version of Winx club is because the characters are charming. The transformations are beautiful, especially believix, and the characters have this charm that makes you feel good. The show is sort of funny and there are villains you will love to hate.

Well, that was my review about Winx club. If you want to learn more, you can watch the show on youtube or go on a website that’s all about Winx club. See you dudes later.


Nintendo character countdown

Yoshi, the dinosuar.

Yoshi, the dinosuar.

by Torrae Swindell

These are my top  5 Nintendo characters, so if you don’t see your favorite don’t be surprised. Nintendo’s characters were created by Shigeuru Miyamoto. If you’re a Nintendo fan, help support it or join club Nintendo. Now, without further, ado lets get on with the countdown.

5: Captain Olimar

Captain Olimar is a character from a game called Pikmin. This brave explorer is a hard worker who has loyal friends by his side. Captain Olimar’s friends belong to a species known as the Pikmin (also the name of the game!); these tough, feisty friends won’t back down from a fight. Only one thing, Pikmin need a commander in order to fight–and who else to command them than the one and only captain Olimar? With Olimar’s leadership and the Pikmin’s loyalty, the Bulborbs and other creatures don’t stand a chance.

4: Yoshi

Yoshi is a character from the game Yoshi’s island.Yoshi is Mario’s friendly dinosaur friend. He has a frog-like tongue that’s sticky, and he uses it for to eat distant fruit. Yoshi also uses his froglike tongue to eat his enemies. Yoshi can produce eggs that he throws at hard to reach places. He can also hover in the air for a short period of time. Yoshi may be cute and cuddly on the outside, but on the inside he’s tougher than a piece of wood.

3: Link

Link is a character from the game Legends of Zelda. Link is a is a Hyrulian Knight, meaning that he comes from a place called Hyrule.  He goes on dangerous quests to save princess Zelda from the evil Gannondorf, the king of demons. Throughout these quests, Link runs into this old man who gives him weapons or items that aid him throughout him quests. When he helps Link, the old man usually says, with a famous quote; “Its dangerous to go alone, take this.” Some of the items he gives Link include a sword, a shield, a boomerang, a grappling hook. These items help Link solve the puzzles he encounters on his quests.

2: Mario

Mario is a character from the game Super Mario Bros. Mario is an Italian plumber from the mushroom kingdom who saves princess Peach from the evil Bowser. Mario has a brother named Luigi, who is taller than Mario and can jump higher than Mario. Mario wears red, and Luigi wears green. Mario has a small mushroom friend named Toad, and Mario can use mushrooms to grow bigger. There is also this flower called the Fire Flower, that allows Mario to throw fire balls.

Kirby, the pink puff.

Kirby, the pink puff.

1: Kirby

Kirby is a character from the game Kirby’s Dream Land. Kirby is a cute little pink puff that lives in a little country called Dreamland, on the planet Popstar. You’re probably thinking, ‘how can an innocent pink puff be a legendary hero?’ Well, Kirby can inhale his enemies and copy their abilities. If you think you can overpower this ball of fluff, think again! Kirby can eat you in less than a second, and can steal your personality forever if he wanted to. Yes, he is that dangerous.

Well, that was my countdown. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment. GO CLUB NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!