Top Five Comic Book Villains

by Miles Graham

Doomsday: he can kill Superman!

Doomsday: he can kill Superman!

A great hero is nothing without a great villain, I am going to list the ones I think are the five best ones in comics today. I might miss a few great ones, because this is only the top five.

5: Green Goblin

Why Green Goblin? Well, because he is a psychopath and he was responsible for the death of Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker‘s former girlfriend (also known as Spidergwen in an alternate universe). Another reason I picked Green Goblin is because he reminds me of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, which is pretty cool if you ask me.

4: Dr.Doom

Dr.Doom is easily one of the best comic book villains ever, mostly because he has so many things and powers at his disposal. He has a small country, which is awesome. He is literally attached to a suit of armor, which is a nuclear powered titanium battle suit. Although he doesn’t look like much, you don’t want to mess with Dr.Doom.

3: Galactus

the joker

Galactus is the eater of worlds, so you know just by that nickname he is powerful. Do I need to say any more? No, I don’t, but I will anyway. He is the last of his kind, and has the Power Cosmic. He is also by far one of the most powerful people in Marvel, or even in comics overall. Anyway, he is awesome.

2: The Joker

I bet you all knew The Joker would be on this list, but not at number two! The Joker is responsible for the murder of maybe thousands of people, which means he’s dangerous. Also, he is smart and crazy, and will do literally anything to make his point. That’s a deadly combination of things, and when I say he’ll do anything to make his point I mean anything. He cut off his own face, enough said.


I bet you are thinking, ‘now why Doomsday and who is Doomsday?’ He isn’t one of the really popular villains, but he is one of my personal favorites. Why? Well, its because he killed Superman…how powerful are you if you can kill Superman? He also has a very unique and interesting ability: when he gets killed, he comes back to life. Even better, when he comes back he is immune to the thing that killed him. So he is virtually unstoppable.