What I’m thankful for

by Juan Rodriguez

During my life, my mother showed me to be thankful for what I have. So in this post I’m going to write what I’m thankful for. What I’m thankful for in my life is a roof over my head and food clothing to wear everyday at school . But what I’m mostly thankful for is that god gave me life and a family to take care of me, and friends that help me and make me happy when i’m mad and when I felt left out or sad. So when you wake up everyday, you say thank you to god for another day of life and a other day of taking step on this plant and in this universe. When I see my parents, I hug them and kiss them saying “thank you, you are the best most loving and caring family because you’re always there for me so thank you.” When I to school, I tell the universe “thank you for giving me a great neighborhood that has a great school that will teach me so much.” When I see my friends, I give them a hand shake and thank them for making me happy when I really need it when I feel bad. After school when I see my mom, dad or both of them, I go to them and say “thank you for picking me up from school” and when I’m home and my mom or dad prepares a nice meal for dinner, I “thank god for a family that loves me, cooks for me and buys clothes for me.” When you have people to be thankful for, then thank them and have a great thanksgiving.