Odell Beckam Jr’s fight

by Jeremy Martinez

On December 20th, 2015, the Carolina Panthers played the New York Giants. In the second half, Panthers corner back Josh Norman began to attack the Giants’ star wide receiver, Odell Beckham Jr. He attacked him numerous times, by grabbing him and pushing his face and hitting him in the head. Odell Beckham got mad and started to attack him in return, and he did it numerous times. The most frightening example of Odell’s retaliation was when he attacked Norman by targeting his head after the play was over. Odell Beckham had taken three penalties by the end of the game, and he was suspended for a game by the NFL because of his childish acts.josh-norman-odell-beckham

Beckham appealed the suspension and lost, and he missed the Giants’ next game. This game was against the Vikings, and the Giants lost that day in part because they didn’t have their best receiver. It was also an important game, because the Giants needed to win in order to make the playoffs. Since they lost, the Giants were eliminated.

At the end of the Giants-Vikings game, people started to argue about who should have gotten suspended. Some people said Norman should have gotten suspended because he started the fight, but some other people thought Odell should have gotten suspended because he targeted Norman’s head and could have paralyzed him.

I think that Odell should have gotten suspended, but also that Josh Norman should have gotten suspended. Norman was the one who started the incident that Beckham got in trouble for.  I think Beckham should have gotten one game and Norman should have gotten two. I also think that Odell should control his anger and temper, so that next time he doesn’t get suspended again.