How I stopped a bully

by Stefan Allen

I hate when big people bully people that are smaller than them. One day, when I was in school, I saw this boy crying. I went over to him to make sure he was ok. I asked, “what happened?”  He said, “this boy keeps bullying me and keeps talking about my mother.” The boy said he was going to the dean. I stayed with him and was talking to him until he got to see the dean.

Ten minutes later, he came into the cafeteria. I went over to him and asked what happened. He said, “the dean is going to talk to him.” He was on the basketball team, as well as the boy that was bullying him. This guy was bullying his own teammate! The coach doesn’t like that. I made sure the kid that was getting bullied was safe, and that nobody would bully him anymore. He was a good kid who was getting good grades. He is a good basketball player, but he was small for a sixth grader.

I am hoping when he will learn to defend himself, not physically but mentally. I am glad he walked away and told a teacher instead of trying to fight back. Anybody else would’ve tried to fight. At the end of the day, he thanked me. I will always be by his side. I might not hang with him, but I’m going to be there for him.

Fear the Brow

By Stefan Allen

Anthony Davis is one of the best big men in the NBA. He has improved since his rookie year, and last year he came in 5th place for the MVP award. He is the talk of the NBA.

Anthony Davis is one of the best big man in the NBA

Anthony Davis is one of the best big men in the NBA

Anthony Davis was the #1 pick in the 2010 draft. He came from the University of Kentucky, and was drafted by the New Orleans Hornets before they changed their name to the New Orleans Pelicans. Anthony Davis is the star player of his team. He played with team USA in his rookie year. He used to just be a big man who wasn’t that strong, but he upgraded his mid-range game and jump shot. He has good chemistry with his New Orleans teammates. Anthony Davis has been in the All-Star game twice. He is a major shot blocker, and nobody can stop him when he drives to the paint. Fans have welcomed him to New Orleans, and he is loyal to his teammates and fans. Anthony Davis has a chance to win the MVP and lead his team to a championship. NBA GMs were recently and polled, and a majority of them would rather build a team around Anthony Davis than Lebron James. I think when Tim Duncan and Dirk Nowitzki retire,  Davis will be the best big man in the NBA. Anthony Davis will not give up on his dream. He will win the MVP, he will get a ring, and he will be the best.


Eagle Academy Middle School Basketball (7th Grade)


by Stefan Allen

The EAB (Eagle Academy Basketball) middle school has one of the top ranked middle school basketball teams in the league. During the 2014-2015 season, we were in 6th place in the overall Junior Varsity standings and 2nd in our division and we made the playoffs.

The first team we played in the playoffs was MS 72, and we beat them by a lot. The second team we faced was MS 455, one of the best teams in the league. They were undefeated, but we beat them on their home court. The third team we faced was MS 166. We won, and after that game, the 8th grade team had a game. They lost, but they kept their heads up and they never gave up.

We went all the way to the championship, but came up short. We lost the championship game to MS 355, but we had a good season and a good team. The 7th grade had a better record than the 8th grade team but both teams had good seasons.

Our 2014-15 team had good chemistry. We had chemistry on the court, before the game and in school. If we lost, then after the game we sometimes started arguing with each other. But we are brothers . EAB doesn’t only mean Eagle Academy Basketball!! It also means Eagle Academy Brotherhood!! We love each other as brothers. We are going to go all the way and win the 8th grade championship this year.

Inspirational Quote no. 2 by Stefan Allen

“If you really believe in what you’re doing, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another.”–by Laurie Notaro210456

I think this quote means to never give up, and always have confidence. You need to keep your head up, and keep trying. If somebody brings you down, just get back up and don’t give up. It’s like basketball, if your team is down in the championship game, and your team is, show leadership, stand for resilience. If somebody is trying to keep your team down, just find another route to victory.


Andre Igoudala Wins the NBA Finals MVP!!!

Andre Igoudala wins the NBA finals MVP!!!!!

Andre Igoudala wins the NBA finals MVP!!!!!

by Stefan Allen

In the 2014-15 season, the Golden State Warriors won the NBA championship. Andre Iguodala won the NBA finals MVP. He was a good team player, and he showed leadership. Andre Iguodala represent clear (C.L.E.A.R. comes from the Eagle Academy’s Eagle Foundation, and it stands for Confidence, Leadership, Effort, Academic excellence, Resilience). The reason I said he represents clear because he played with confidence, he show leadership, put effort into the game, went to college, and he never gives up (resilience). 

Andre Iguodala was the only person in the NBA to win an NBA finals MVP without starting a single game in the NBA regular season. He didn’t start because the Golden State Warriors need a good bench, so Steve Kerr had Andre Iguodala sit on the bench. The warriors had a good bench and a good starting five. He had his career highest, 25 points. He had a good history. In 2004-05 season, he had won the All-rookie first team. In 2010-11 season, he won All-defensive second team, also in 2013-14 season, he won All defensive first team. In the 2014-15 season he got a ring, AND he won the NBA finals MVP. He stopped Lebron James, and got him frustrated.

Here are the top 8 starting lineups for the Golden State Warriors throughout the 2014-15 season.

G   W    L

57    50   7       H.Barnes, A.Bogut, S.Curry, D.Green, K.Thompson 

9      6    3       H.Barnes, S.Curry, D.Green, M.Speights, K.Thompson

7      5    2        H.Barnes, S.Curry, F. Ezeli, D.Green, K. Thompson

3      3    0       H.Barnes, A. Bogut, S. Curry, D. Lee, K. Thompson,

3      3    0       H.Barnes, A. Bogut, S.Curry, D.Green, J.Holiday

1      0    1       H.Barnes, D. Green, J.Holiday, D.Lee, S.Livingston

1      0    1        L.Barbosa, H. Barnes, A. Bogut, S.Curry, D. Green

1      0    1       H.Barnes, A. Bogut, D. Green, S.Livingston, K.Thompson

Andre Igoudala's goals.

Andre Igoudala’s goals.

Andre Iguodala never started a single game in the 2014-15 season, but he helped the Warriors bench and made the whole team better.

During the season, Iguodala said, “I want to dominate a little more, just be a level beyond everyone else. I expect that from myself.” Andre Iguodala tried to reach that goal, and he had a good season and the best playoff season he ever had in his life.

Next season I think he is going to be starting for the Warriors and have a great season.

What I’m thankful for



by Stefan Allen

I am thankful for my bother, dad, mom, cousins, aunt, grandparents, and friends.

I say this because they take care of me. They buy me clothes and sneakers, they also feed me food. They will always be there for me and I’m there for them. I wouldn’t ever have been a good kid if my mom and dad weren’t alive. My brothers love me and take care of me. When I’m crying, they make me feel better, my friends do the same thing.

Im am also thankful for Coach Brown. I say this because basketball holds me and pulls me together. Coach helps me with my problems, if I’m failing my grades he would suspend me from the team until I get my grades up.

This is everybody that I’m am thankful for. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!

Inspirational Quote by Stefan Allen

malcolm x quote“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”-Malcolm X

This is a quote by the great leader, Malcolm X. I like this quote because people are not getting good educations, so in life they are not going to have good jobs or they might not have jobs at all. Not having an education can lead to a tough life. People that have good educations often have good jobs, they are often rich, they often have good families, and they often have good lives. Getting a good education is also important because it gives you the opportunity to do things you like, like sports or music.

This quote should inspire people to get a good education. You need a good education so you can get through life more easily.

Why the Golden State Warriors are my favorite NBA team

These are four of the Warriors' best players.

These are four of the Warriors’ best players.

My favorite team is the Golden State Warriors.They are my favorite team because they have good players, like David Lee, Stephen Curry, Andre Iguodala, Harrison Barnes, and Andrew Bogut.

My favorite player on the Golden State Warriors is Stephen Curry. His height is 6’3” and his weight is 185 pounds, and he is a point guard. He was drafted by the Golden State Warriors in 2009. In 2012-2013, Curry made 272 three pointers, which was an NBA single season record. His three-point percentage(.453),he was ranked in third place in the NBA. In one game against the New York Knicks, he scored 54 points in the Knicks’ home stadium. He made 11 three pointers in 13 attempts. They couldn’t handle him. It was a Warriors record,on just 13 three-pointers.In 2012-13, the Golden State Warriors were 47-35 and went to the playoffs. Stephen Curry helped them go to the second round, where they lost to the Spurs in that round. They lost, but at least they were able to win 2 games in the series.

This season, Stephen Curry is having his best year so far. All of his statistics have improved. He is averaging 23.5 points per game, 9.2 assists per game and 4.6 rebounds per game. He is getting more minutes, playing 37.9 minutes per game. Even Kevin Durant said he was “one of the best shooters” in the NBA. The Golden State Warriors are also doing well this season. Their record is 26-17, and they are in second place in the Pacific Division and sixth place in the Western Conference. This season they’re even better than in 2012-2013. They are really improving as a team.