Transformers: how the war began

by James Rhodes


Cybertron was once a giant machine named Primus who fought Unicron, Lord of the Undead. When he defeated Unicron by blasting him into another part of space, he was critically damaged in the fight. He used the last bit of his energy to transform himself into a planet called Cybertron. He had enough soil to make unlimited races of transformers. He used his energy to make a resource called Energon so the machines can live off it.

The Quistasons

The Quistasons were the first people to ever build the machines who now roam Cybertron. They were dictators, and forced the robots to do their bidding. Unfortunately for them, the Quistasons were unaware  that their creations would develop feelings and start fighting back. The robots grabbed their weapons, and had enough power to exile the Quistasons for the rest of Cybertronain history. These intelligent robots are known as Transformers.

Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion led the rebellion against the Quistasons. Alpha Trion is sometimes known as the father of the Cybrtronains. It took him years to fix Cybertron and give some of his natural resources to the people who desperately needed them. A couple of years after the incident, the bots thought of becoming a democracy and gave Alpha Trion the Matrix of Leadership. This made him leader of the Cybertronians.

The Autobots

The Autobots are a group that wants peace on Cybertron. They are known for how courteous they were to people, how smart they were with decisions and how loyal they were.

The Decepticons

The Decepticons are a group of conquistadors that don’t care about others’ approval and want to control everything in  the universe.

The War

Orion Pax, a librarian, saw Megatron’s evil ways of trying to convince everyone on Cybertron that they should be an autocracy and to gain control of other planets to steal their natural resources. When Zeta Prime passed away, they made Orion Pax the new leader of the Autobots. At first Orion Pax thought he wasn’t ready for the burden. First of all,  he had to learn about Cybertron’s past. Orion Pax put himself into stasis lock in order to travel through the matrix to learn about Cybertron’s  history.
The Dinobots: Grimlock, Swoop, Slug, and Snarl.

The Dinobots: Grimlock, Swoop, Slug, and Snarl.

When the Autobots found out he was in stasis lock, Bumblebee told Percepter to immediately work on Orion Pax to be fixed so he can be functional. All of a sudden, Megatron and his army of Decepticons ambushed the Autobots. When Orion Pax woke up, he tried to stop Megatron but failed. Megatron shot him before he had the chance to stop him. Megatron forced the Autobots to give him the energon. When Alpha Trion came to see what all of the commotion was about, he was surprised when the Autobots desperately needed his help. They wanted Alpha Trion to fix Orion Pax. Alpha Trion took him into his factory to fix him. When he was finished in the next two hours, Alpha Trion recreated Orion Pax and changed his name to Optimus Prime. Optimus thanked the Autobots for helping him with his pain. Then Optimus told the Autobots to make a ship called ” The Ark” so they could leave their dying planet and go to another to get raw energon. Even though they were leaving, they knew Megatron would hunt them down and try to obliterate them.